Update from Premier Alan Winde-call for compassion for the sick.
Message to residents of the Western Cape:
The Western Cape Government is hard at work to ensure that we are able to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus on our residents and communities, from a health, economic and humanitarian perspective.
The safety of our residents is our number one priority. It is for this reason that we once again call on all residents to abide by the lockdown regulations. It is only if we all stay at home, that we will be able to stop the spread and ensure our systems are able to respond to this global pandemic.
Update on Khayelitsha patient:
The Western Cape Government is aware of a message circulating containing false information. The patient has been receiving appropriate care, and has had access to in-hospital facilities, including catering. This was a temporary measure while an appropriate isolation facility was being explored.
The patient and the close contacts have been moved to an appropriate isolation facility earlier, in accordance with the plan to do so, from the outset. The Western Cape Government team managed the situation with the full support of Health Minister Nomafrench Mbombo.
Claims by the ANC that they had to intervene to assist the patient are false and only serve to erode public trust in our health systems. We understand that many residents of Khayelitsha may be worried or afraid following announcement that the virus has reached their community. Our contact tracing team has already conducted follow-up and screenings of close contacts and have also done community screenings.
Health Minister Nomafrench Mbombo said: “The outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), has been stressful for many people. Fear and anxiety about this virus has led to social stigma because people are afraid of the unknown. Confusion, anxiety, fear, and even panic among the public is understandable. Unfortunately, these factors also fuel unwarranted harmful stereotyping. Stigma can lead to people hiding their illness to avoid discrimination which results in them delaying seeking out healthcare. This is a difficult time for the infected or affected people and they need compassion and love from us all. We must not stigmatise.”
SASSA grants:
The SASSA grant cycle for this month is currently underway and will be open until 3 April. In line with announcements made by Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula, public transport hours have been extended for this period. We remind those who will be going to collect grants to take the utmost care, ensuring that they please keep at least a 1.5metre distance between themselves at all times.
We have received several reports from members of the public working in essential services regarding transport issues. We are also receiving increasing reports of taxi drivers charging higher rates. It is imperative that our essential services workers, especially those working in our health system in the frontline response to the Coronavirus, are able to get to work.
We reiterate the call by Minister Bonginkosi Madikizela to the taxi industry to continue to transport essential workers at this time. Minister Madikizela is also working with the Golden Arrow Bus Service to increase its services.
Essential service employers who are experiencing problems can contact the Department on HOD.TransportPublicWorks@westerncape.gov.za, stating the nature of their transport challenge. Please provide specific details, including number of people that need to be transported, from where, to where, at what time.
Education resources:
The Western Cape Department of Education has made a number of quality learning resources available to learners and parents who are at home during this time through their @home initiative. Resources in line with the CAPS curriculum are available for download at the WCED eportal:
The National Government has, in their 18 March Gazette, indicate that local educational content must be zero-rated, so that it can be accessed for free without the need for data. Minister of Education Debbie Schäfer has written to the major telecommunications companies to request that the portal be zero-rated. Positive responses have already been received by some, and we are certain the others will soon follow suit.
Note: New case confirmations will be released soon in an updated statement.
Issued by: Western Cape Office of the Premier
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of South African Government.
Source: Apo-Opa
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