Coronavirus – Malawi: COVID-19 update (24 April 2021)

Ministry of Health and Population, Republic of Malawi
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Malawi has registered 14 new COVID-19 cases, 23 new recoveries and one new death. All new cases are locally transmitted: 10 from Blantyre, two from Lilongwe, and one each from Chitipa and Ntcheu Districts. One new death was registered from Blantyre. To the families that have lost their loved during this pandemic, may you find peace, hope and love during this difficult time. May the souls of the departed rest in peace.

Cumulatively, Malawi has recorded 34,011 cases including 1,147 deaths (Case Fatality Rate is at 3.37%). Of these cases, 2,138 are imported infections and 31,873 are locally transmitted. Cumulatively, 31,899 cases have now recovered (recovery rate of 93.8%) and 134 were lost to follow-up. This brings the total number of active cases to 831. There were two new admissions in the treatment units while two cases were discharged. A total of 10 active cases are hospitalised: five each in Lilongwe and four in Blantyre, and one in Mzimba North Districts. On testing, 739 COVID-19 tests were conducted. Of these, 175 tests were through SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Diagnostic test while the rest were through RT-PCR. The positive cases out of the total translates to a positivity rate of 1.9% while a weekly positivity rate (seven days moving average) is at 2.3%. Cumulatively, 230,117 tests have been conducted in the country so far. On COVID-19 vaccination, cumulatively 275,670 doses have been administered in the country with 4,730 being administered in 24 hours.
Let me remind the public that though we have COVID-19 pandemic, our focus should also be on the other disease conditions that continue affecting us such as Malaria, TB, HIV, Non
Communicable Diseases (High blood pressure, Diabetes), Sexual and Reproductive health and immunization services. Let me point out that essential services tackling these conditions are still being provided in all our health facilities and designated outreach clinics. Let me encourage the public to seek health care early as whenever necessary. Those on long term treatment should ensure that they have pre-stocked the drugs and that they are adhering to the medication. Let me also encourage parents and guardians to ensure that children under the age of two years have received their vaccines according to the immunization schedule and thatgrowth is being monitored for those under five years.
Please take note that the vaccination exercise is still in progress in all Government and CHAM facilities and let me appeal to those that are aged 18 years and above to utilize this opportunity to get vaccinated. The public is further informed that we still have adequate stocks of vaccine in the country. It is important to note that to get protected from COVID-19 is critically important so as to avert severe illness or death. Getting vaccinated is one of the steps you can take to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 particularly people at an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 i.e. the elderly and those with underlying conditions such as Hypertension (BP) and diabetes (Sugar disease).
No one is safe until everyone else is safe. Get Vaccinated. Protect yourself. Protect your loved ones. Protect everyone. Call toll free 929.
Hon. Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, MP

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Health and Population, Republic of Malawi.

Source: Apo-Opa

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