Coronavirus – Kenya: COVID-19 update (23 April 2021)

Ministry of Health, Kenya
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773 people tested positive to Covid-19 on Friday from a sample size of 7,036 tested. Total confirmed positive cases stand at 155,165 from 1,631,699 cumulative tests conducted.

From the cases, 754 are Kenyans while 19 are foreigners. 450 are males and 323 are females. The youngest is a a-seven-day old infant while the oldest is 109 years. The positivity rate is at 11.0%.

In terms of County distribution; Nairobi recorded 273 cases, Trans Nzoia 66, Mombasa 43, Nakuru 43, Uasin Gishu 42, Kericho 32, Kisumu 29, Kiambu 23, Turkana 23, Kajiado 15, Nyeri 14, Machakos 14, Meru 13, Kisii 13, Makueni, Embu, Nandi and Nyandarua registered 11 cases each.

Garissa had 10 cases, Bomet 10, Murang’a 9, Kitui 8, Laikipia 6, Siaya 6, Kirinyaga 5, Bungoma 4, Kilifi 4, Busia, Migori & Baringo 3 cases each, Elgeyo Marakwet, Homa Bay, Nyamira & TaitaTaveta 2 cases each, Kakamega, Marsabit, Narok, Samburu, Isiolo, Vihiga & West Pokot 1 each.

The country also reported 23 deaths on Friday with 10 having occurred on diverse dates within the last one month, while 13 are late deaths reported after conducting facility record audits. The latest figures push cumulative fatalities to 2,583.

726 patients also recovered from the disease, 397 from various health facilities across the country & 329 from Home Based & Isolation Care. Total recoveries now stand at 106,093 of which 77,308 are from Home Based Care & Isolation while 28,785 are from various health facilities.

A total of 1,469 patients are admitted in various health facilities across the country. 6,795 patients are on Home Based Isolation & Care.  236 patients are in the ICU, 53 of whom are on ventilatory support & 153 on supplemental oxygen. 30 patients are on observation. An additional 162 patients are separately on supplementary oxygen with 150 of them in general wards while 12 are in High Dependency Units (HDU).

COVISHIELD VACCINATION UPDATE: 802,760 persons had been vaccinated against COVID-19 disease across the country by Friday. Of this, 462,256 are aged 58 years and above, 150,465 are Health workers, 123,262 are Teachers while 66,777 are Security Officers. As of April 22, 2021, a total of 1,080,000 doses had been distributed to regional depots countrywide leaving a balance of 40,000 doses at the Kitengela Central Vaccines stores. The doses have been distributed as follows: Nairobi 393,000, Meru 39,000, Nyeri 84,000, Garissa/Mandera 25,000, Mombasa 66,000, Kakamega 81,000, Nakuru 117,000, Eldoret 129,000, Kisumu 108,000, various government ministries 6,000 while KDF Kahawa Barracks received 32,000 doses.

Nairobi leads the five top counties with the highest number of vaccinated persons at 250,064 followed by Nakuru with 50,945, Kiambu is third at 43,033, Uasin Gishu with 39,392 vaccinated persons is fourth while Nyeri is fifth with 29,631 people having been vaccinated. The Counties with lowest persons vaccinated include Wajir and Garissa with 1,970 and 1,969 respectively, Isiolo 1,392, Tana River 725, Lamu 569 and Marsabit county that has inoculated 518 persons.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Health, Kenya.

Source: Apo-Opa

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