Communiqué of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU) at its 345th meeting

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 345th meeting held on 6 December 2012, adopted the following decision on the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR):


1. Takes note of the Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the situation in the CAR [PSC/PR/2(CCCXLV)] and the presentations made by the AU Special Representative in the CAR, as well as the statements by the Permanent Representative of the CAR to the AU, and the representatives of the United Nations and the European Union (EU);

2. Recalls communiqué PSC/PR/COMM.1(CCLV), adopted at its 255th meeting held on 23 December 2010 ;

3. Welcomes the progress made in the CAR, particularly the initiatives taken to promote dialogue among all the political and social stakeholders, the efforts made to further security and implement the different Agreements concluded with the political and military groups active on the ground, including as regards Disarmament, Demoblisation and Reinsertion (DDR), the measures taken to facilitate the reactivation of the national economy and the fight against poverty;

4. Stresses that, in spite of the progress made, the CAR continues to face many political, security, socio-economic and humanitarian challenges. In this regard, Council encourages the Central African Government to persevere in its efforts, particularly the promotion of dialogue, the implementation of the DDR programme within the framework of the Agreements signed with the political and military groups, strengthening of the capacity of the Defence and Security Forces, including the effective implementation of the Security Sector Reform, the continuation and deepening of the reforms initiated in the socio-economic field and the improvement of governance;

5. Calls on the relevant authorities in CAR to conclude the electoral code, on the basis of the consensus arrived at by the Central African parties, and pave the way for its speedy adoption by Parliament;

6. Warns all those bent on undermining the process of consolidating peace, security and stability in CAR, and stresses that they will be held accountable. In this regard, Council requests the Commission to submit to it recommendations on sanctions against political and military groups and other elements that are hindering efforts to restore security and are involved in abuses against the civilian population and other violations of international humanitarian law;

7. Commends the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the EU, the United Nations Integrated Office in the CAR (BINUCA) and all the bilateral and multilateral partners for their support to CAR, and urges them to pursue and intensify their efforts. Council, once again, urges the Members States, particularly within the framework of the African Solidarity Initiative (ASI), launched by the Commission in July 2012, to contribute actively to the post-conflict reconstruction and development process in the CAR. In this regard, Council requests the Commission to take all the necessary measures to strengthen its advocacy efforts in favor of the CAR;

8. Expresses its appreciation to the ECCAS Peace Consolidation Mission in CAR (MICOPAX) for the crucial role it plays in the stabilization process of the country, and takes note of the fact that MICOPAX will disengage from CAR on 31 December 2013. In this regard, Council requests the Commission to initiate the necessary consultations with the CAR, ECCAS, the EU, the United Nations and the bilateral partners concerned, with a view to submitting to it, within a period of three months, recommendations on the modalities for an appropriate support to the Central African authorities in the field of security, taking into account the present capabilities of the CAR Defense and Security Forces;

9. Encourages the Commission to pursue the efforts made in support of the stabilization of the CAR and the post-conflict reconstruction development process in the country, particularly within the framework of the ASI, the Regional Cooperation Initiative for the Elimination of the LRA (RCI-LRA) and the joint AU-World Bank support programme in the field of DDR. In this regard, Council requests the Commission to adjust, as necessary, the mandate of the Liaison Office in the CAR;

10. Decides to remain actively seized of the situation and to review it every six months on the basis of progress reports to be submitted by the Chairperson of the Commission.

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