ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, December 4, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — “Food production, livelihoods, various socio-economic sectors and wellbeing of Africa will gain from better and more accurate climate information”, Said Mrs. Tumusiime Rhoda Peace, African Union Commissioner in charge of Rural Economy and Agriculture, on the occasion of the dinner Dialogue organised at the margins of CoP18, on Monday 3 December 2012, in Doha, Qatar.

The diner dialogue Held under the theme “Are we investing ‘enough’ in climate services for Africa’s development?” aims to provide an avenue for closer interaction, to raise awareness of stakes and opportunities and to renew the commitment to the programme including by generating the required financial support for its effective implementation.

Commissioner Tumusiime, underscored that the credible climate services constitute a good foundation for managing risks and leapfrogging development, noting that what we usually tackle in climate negotiations such as adaptation and mitigation need good climate information services to be effective. “Improving the quantity, quality, accessibility and utility of climate information is an essential part of the trajectory towards a climate resilient economy and society in our continent”, said Commissioner Tumusiime.

She noted that the ClimDev Africa programme was initiated through joint collaboration among Pan African institutions notable the African Union Commission, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the African Development Bank underlining that the programme is evolving to strength with the establishment of the African Climate Policy Center at UNECA, and Climate Change and Desertification Unit at AUC.

She also said that the establishment of the ClimDev special fund to be hosted at the African Development Bank is in advanced stages and awaits the contribution of the development partners to start the implementation of concrete actions on the ground. (See the full statement of Mrs. Tumusiime Rhoda Peace on African Union Web Site: )

African Ministers of Environment, Representatives of African Development Bank AfDB), Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), and Delegates of AU Member States as well as Development Partners took part to the evening Dialogue that focused on two main question: How critical are climate services for addressing sectoral challenges? And how do we pull additional funds to meet the investment needs in bridging climate services and development?

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