Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping Meets with Zimbabwean President Mugabe



Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping Meets with Zimbabwean President Mugabe


BEIJING, China, November 18, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On November 16, 2011, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met with visiting Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe at the Great Hall of the People.


Calling Mugabe an old friend of China, Xi said Mugabe is a renowned leader of national liberation movement in Africa and has made great contributions to Africa’s progress and liberation as well as to China-Zimbabwe, China-Africa friendship. Xi said China-Zimbabwe friendship has a long history. China and Zimbabwe have conducted effective cooperation in politics, trade, culture, education and other fields since the two countries forged diplomatic relations in 1980, Xi said. Both sides have also shown mutual understanding and support on major issues concerning each other’s core interests. China appreciates Zimbabwe’s firm adherence to the one-China policy and supports Zimbabwe to explore its own development path in accordance with its national conditions, Xi said.


Xi pointed out that since this year bilateral ties have continued to maintain a sound growth momentum with frequent high-level exchanges and a firmer political foundation of bilateral ties. Bilateral cooperation on trade, agriculture, mining and infrastructure construction has made positive progress and both sides have also maintained close coordination in international affairs. Xi said China-Zimbabwe traditional friendship is a valuable asset of both peoples and both sides should work together to maintain and development it. China would like to join hands with Zimbabwe to further increase friendly exchanges, expand pragmatic cooperation and create a better future of bilateral relationship.


Mugabe said the people of Zimbabwe and China enjoy profound friendly relations despite the great distance between the two countries. During each visit to China, Mugabe said he had the feeling of coming to the second home. Zimbabwe appreciates China’s long-term assistance and support for its economic and social development, Mugabe said. He said Zimbabwe deems China its trustworthy friend, noting his country attaches great importance to developing ties with China and would like to work more closely with China in sectors of agriculture, mining and infrastructure so as to push bilateral ties to a higher level.



China – Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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