"Change relations or go out of globalisation", Riccardi

“If we will not change our relations with Africa, we will not be part of globalisation”, Luca Riccardi, representative of Italian premier for Africa, said during the conference on Africa’s development in Taormina, Sicily. 

“We have to understand – Riccardi added – that we’re in the middle of an anthropological change. It is true that Africa is the black hole of globalisation, but globalisation is bringing Africa nearer. if we don’t change our relations with the Continent, we will go out of globalisation”.

As he acknowledged at the beginning of his speech, even if he has been nominated for this job a couple of days ago, he demonstrated a good knowledge of recent relations between Italy and Africa.

During the speech he stressed that his role, as the one of his colleagues for other countries, is to write the African program for the G8.

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