Celebration of African Border Day / ‘’African States’ commitment to transforming borders into “bridges” for cooperation, integration and socio-economic development”

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, June 5, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Journalists are invited to participate in the celebration of the African Border Day, on Friday, 06 June 2014, from 0900 -1230 Hrs, in the Plenary Hall of the Old Conference Building of the AU Headquarters.

The Celebration of the Border Day aims at sensitizing all stakeholders including Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and academicians about the role and importance of borders in promoting peace, security and stability. It also aims to give greater visibility to the efforts of the AUBP towards the achievement of greater African unity and integration at the continental, regional and national level.

The Day will be celebrated in the presence of AU Member States, representatives of the diplomatic missions in Addis Ababa, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), partners, international organizations, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), as well as staff from the AUC.

The event will feature a release of Part II of the Documentary titled “African Borders; from barriers to bridges”, the launching of new Guidebooks on the Introduction of the newly adopted Convention on Cross-Border Cooperation as well as, a photo exhibition, showcasing “historical documents and, images from African borders”

Journalists are invited to participate in and cover the event on Friday, 6 June 2014

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