Migration and Remittances by Mthuli Ncube @ Afdb

This is a video summary of the discussion about “Migration and Remittances” held today during the Afdb meeting which is about to end.

Interview with Tshepo Sophia Khumbane

Interview with TSHEPO SOPHIA KHUMBANE. She is a grassroots development activist and small-scale farmer from Cullinan, South Africa.

Speech of Kaberuka, Afdb president-Lisbon 9-6-2011

AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP Donald Kaberuka President of the African Development Bank Group Opening Statement

AfDB annual meeting 2011 – Kaberuka speech

This is the speech by Donald Kaberuka, president of the African Development Bank for the opening of the 2011 annual meeting.

Kaberuka opens 2011 Afdb annual meeting

Donald Kaberuka, president of the Afdb, has just finished his speech introducing the 2011 annual meeting of the bank.

Interview with Mamatou Djiré on Karite

Mamoutou Djiré is the president of Karite federation, an agricultural product very important for the food industry and cosmetics industry.

"Africa misses investments for water"-Camdessus

“What is missing in Africa is not water as a resource but investments for the management of water”, Camdessus, former IMF director said in Lisbon during his speech.

Interview with Jaime Aguinaldo of Angola

Jaime Aguinaldo from Angola participated to the SMEs forum in Lisbon which ended the 7 June 2011. He said that relying on just one resource for a country means being too vulnerable, therefore they decided to diversify.

Interview with Mouthapha Diallo, trade agent

Mouthapha Diallo is a trade agent from Guinea Conakri, West Africa, who was selected for her project as incubator. She will present her project during the Agribusiness forum that will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in October this year.

Interview with Nomsa Daniels, New Faces New Voices

Interview with Nomsa Daniels, executive director of New Faces New Voices, after the SMEs forum in LIsbon organised by the Afdb and Emrc.   Interview by Piervincenzo Canale