Obama asks Gaddafi and Gbagbo to step down

United States President, Barack Obama, Saturday said intense pressure was being mounted on embattled Libyan leader, Col. Moammar Gaddafi, to toe the path of honour to cede power to his people.

The universal reach of popular uprisings-A.Badiou

“The Tunisian and the Egyptian people are telling us: raise up, build up a public space for the communism of movement, protect it by all means while inventing the sequential course of action.”

Egypt: Mubarak resigns from ruling party

Mubarak has just resigned from Egypt ruling party, Ndp. The news was published on Twitter a few minutes ago on different channels from private citizens and media activists. Hosni Mubarak though still remains president of Egypt.

‘Referendum is chance for independence’ – Sudan

Since January 9th, 2011 South Sudanese people have been voting for or against Independence. By mid February we should know if the largest African nation will remain a unified country or split into two sovereign nations. The January 9th 2011 referendum is part of the 2005 peace agreement between the Khartoum central government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement, which brought to an end over two decades of civil war.

Interview with Mamadou Cissokho

We just translated in English this interview that Piervincenzo Canale has made last week, the 17 January 2011.

Ivory Coast: Gbagbo rejects mediator Odinga

Laurent Gbagbo has rejected Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga as mediator in Cote d’Ivoire crisis.

Ivorians in Italy comment the elections on tv

This two videos are about the comments by some Ivorian citizens on TG Multietnico on Italian satellite channel RTB. The video is in French.


Hundreds of refugees from the Horn of Africa have been held for months on the outskirts of a town in Sinai in purpose-built containers, where people traffickers are demanding payment of up to US$8,000 per person for their release, though the hostages had already paid US$2,000 for passage to Israel.

Madagascar's rival leaders in new talks on unity government

Leaders of Madagascar’s rival political factions on Wednesday met in South Africa in a fresh bid to forge a deal on a unity government to end 15 months of crisis in the island nation. Madagascar’s strongman Andry Rajoelina seized control of the vast Indian Ocean island in March 2009 after weeks of sometimes violent street […]

Minister bemoans ‘marked’ increase in coups in Africa

International Relations and Co-operation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane has bemoaned the resurgence of coups and other unconstitutional changes of government in Africa, saying they increased markedly in the past two years. Addressing Parliament during her budget vote last week, she said such upheavals were unnecessary “setbacks” for peace and security gains made on the continent. She […]