Declaration of the G8 2011 on the Arab spring

DECLARATION OF THE G8 ON THE ARAB SPRING G8 Summit of Deauville – May 26-27, 2011

SAfrica opposition gains ground in local govt polls

South Africa’s main opposition made gains on Thursday in local government polls that could indicate frustration with the ANC, which has ruled Africa’s largest economy for almost 20 years since apartheid ended.

Interview with Nawele Ben Romdhane Dhrif

This is the video of the interview with Nawele Ben Romdhane Dhrif, director general for Euro-mediterranean cooperation ministry of development and international cooperation, Tunisia.

Speech by Latifa Akharbach of Morocco

This is the video of the speech made by Madame Latifa Akharbach, secretry of state, ministry of foreign affairs and cooperation of Morocco, during the workshop held yesterday 20 May 2011 in Palermo, Italy.

S.Africa: ANC may have won, but H.Zille dances on

Municipal elections meant slightly fewer votes for the ANC and quite a bit more for the DA, according to results released on Thursday evening.

Namibia: Aletta Nguvauva Takes the Throne

Aletta Nguvauva yesterday charged that although she has no leadership experience, she is “suitably qualified” to lead the Ovambanderu community.

The rise and fall of Laurent Gbagbo

The history of Côte d’Ivoire is marked internally by successive ethnic dominations. In 1960, following the end of colonisation by France, Félix Houphouët-Boigny, who spearheaded independence, further established his political influence by claiming royal legitimacy. The analysis of Véronique Tadjo, poet, novelist and writer of books for young people.

Refugees in Malta are living in a ghetto-camp

Refugees in Malta are living in a ghetto-camp EveryOne appeals to the UN and the EU

Interview with Firoze Manji of Pambazuka News

Firoze Manji, editor of, explores the ongoing wars in Africa. Audio interview.

Why the West wants the fall of Gaddafi

These are three videos about the feature of Jean-Paul Pougala about the West and Gaddafi.