"Aid is bad for Africa" – Luttwak

“97% of aid programs failed in Africa”, Edward Luttwak, senior associate of Center for strategic studies in Washington said during the forum on the development of Africa, held in Taormina, Italy, last 2nd and 3rd of October. “First of all – Luttwak said – I want to talk about the primary ignorance phenomenon. We have […]

“Rwanda, 48% of women representation”, Kennedy

“Rwanda‘s quota system has resulted in 48% female legislature – the largest women representation in the world“, Kathleen Kennedy said during her speech at the Forum on Africa’s development in Taormina, Italy, the 2nd of October. “Women’s presence in parliament – she added – helps normalize the idea that women are politicians, government officials and […]

"It seems a colonial move", Lombardo

Sicily’s president of the island’s government, Raffaele Lombardo, said that the Euro-Mediterranean union, proposed by French president Sarkozy, “seems a colonial move”. Sarkozy is also the president of the European Union as France holds the six months of the EU presidency. The Sicilian governor said this during the Forum on Africa’s development which ended in […]

"Africa can free itself”, Rosario C. Fundanga

“Africa can free itself from the bonds of the past”, Mrs Rosario Chailunga Fundanga, Country coordinator at the United Nations global compact for Zambia, said during her speech at the forum on Africa’s development in Taormina, Italy. The environment, the human rights/labour and corruption were the main topics of her speech. “There has been an […]

"Good governance in Africa", Balbo

“Talking about development does not mean to talk about philophy“, Luciano Balbo, president of Fondazione Oltre, an Italian social venture capital company, during the conference about the development of Africa which ended in Taormina, Italy, last 3rd October. “In the world of business it does not make sense to talk about democracy or authoritarianism but it […]

"Sahara can replace oil", Rubbia

“Every square mile of the Sahara desert represent a barrel of oil”, Carlo Rubbia, Italian Nobel winner, said in his speech at the conference about the development of Africa in Taormina, Italy, last Friday the 3rd of October.  “Using the sun as an energy source can guarantee a very large quantity of energy”, he added […]

"The EU is key for Africa" Luyckx

“Africa is not poor. It is a rich continent where there is a lot of potential, lots of resources and without them our world would fall”, Olivier Luyckx, Head of the unit aid effectiveness and relations with member states and EEA States of the European Commission, said during the conference on Africa’s development that ended […]

"Change relations or go out of globalisation", Riccardi

“If we will not change our relations with Africa, we will not be part of globalisation”, Luca Riccardi, representative of Italian premier for Africa, said during the conference on Africa’s development in Taormina, Sicily.  “We have to understand – Riccardi added – that we’re in the middle of an anthropological change. It is true that […]

Touadi will speak at a conference about human rights in Rome

The first Italian Mp with African origins, Jean Leonard Touadi, will take part in a conference about human rights manages by the “La Gabbianella Onlus” and Rita Levi-Montalcini foundation. Nobel Montalcini will be honour guest of the conference in Rome. After the presentation and the speech of Luciano Ardesi, national secretary of Lega per i […]

“Investors come to Africa” governor Fundanga

“Conferences like this one are a good opportunity to show Italians a little about Africa and about good opportunities both for Africans and Europeans”, Caleb Fundanga, governor of the Bank of Zambia said during the conference on Africa development in course in Taormina, Sicily. Below you can watch the video “Everybody is welcome”, Fundanga, Bank […]