"Afro-pessimism is to be rejected" – V. Scotti

“Africa is not just wars, famine and diseases but also opportunities, resources and development. This is what I saw during my visit in February in four African states: Angola, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Senegal”, Vincenzo Scotti, secretary of State, said today during the conference held in Rome about “Climate Change and Human Mobility in Africa“. […]

Rome hosts conference on climate change in Africa

“Climate changes and human mobility in Africa” is the title of the conference that the Italian foreign office will host next 21 of April in Rome. The same Italian ministry of foreign affairs said in a press release. Beside the Italian foreign secretary, Frattini, Richard S. Odingo will also take part to the conference. Odingo […]

Seven foreigners chosen to become Nigerians

Saying that people should be free to live where they want might be unacceptable to some, but globalization and the big pool of human insatiable exigencies is fast rewriting the human history. It’s not the first time that foreigners have fought to posses the green passport of Nigeria, a country often battered due to the […]

London In A Burning Fire

Rather than ask who set the fire, you better hold your breath because everybody is working to put it out first. One man was only a little known outside his home town, but in the heart of this winter he suddenly became the world most powerful human being. Yesterday, he was forced by the burning […]

Love. What Does It Mean To You?

The love of many has grown cold, a preacher once cried out. But as a visiting Nigerian Rev. Father, Anthony Alimnonu CSSP from Rome told a hugely packed audience today in an Easter retreat, organized by the African Catholic Community of Verona, the love of God is beyond any measure. The Biblical reflection was drawn […]


Being one of the so-called advanced countries of the world, Italy is a destination for several thousands of migrants who have decided to abandon their homes for better lives abroad. Nothing good they say, ever come easy. And as for the Italian system with its tight legality and bureaucracy, the dreams of many young migrants […]

ICA 2009: new strategy for infrastructures

The global economic crisis and the construction of infrastructures in Africa were the main themes of the fifth annual meeting of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) which ended in Rome last 11th March. According to many participants, the meeting has had important results. Mandla Gantsho, Vice President of the African Development Bank, said that […]

ICA conference starts in Rome

The conference of the Infrastructure consortium for Africa (ICA) has started in Rome today.  This is a meeting held as part of the G8 that this year is held by Italy. The main topic of the whole G8 is Africa and the development of the continent. The conference is attended by the Commissioner for Infrastructure […]

Black job, how about making it white?

Guardia di Finanza (the custom police) in Arzignano, Vicenza province identified 14 irregular workers after an intense control of factories and other work places, ‘in Città’, a local newspaper reported yesterday. According to the story, the irregular workers, originally from India, among whom four were illegal in Italy were strained to work from 10/12 hours […]

Lampedusa: Italian evangelicals write open letter

The Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy, Fcei, sent an open letter to the president of the republic, Napolitano, and to all major authorities of Italy. The evangelicals with other organisations are protesting against the choice of the government to let all immigrants arriving in Italy to stay on the island, regardless of their legal […]