Immigrants prepare their own voice

Describing the immigrants with any form of negativity and demeaning comments is no longer new in Italy. Like the two sides of a coin however, the story is been dragged to a balance view, because some immigrants are now refusing to lay low in their created ghettos and they are calling others to do the […]


Perhaps nothing less is best expected in the Niger Delta where the largest army in Africa is taking up a tiny group of dissidents with their military hardware. The falling victims from the ongoing assault have been attracting plenty of attention across the globe. The armed group who called themselves MEND, Movement for the Emancipation […]

Africa day: celebrations in Addis Ababa

“Towards A United, Peaceful and Prosperous Africa” is the title given for this year celebration of Africa day which also marks the first anniversary of The Day is observed with respect to the creation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), by its founding fathers on 25 May 1963 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the […]

Ghana Awaits Obama In High Hope

He is like a rare angel the world hasn’t seen for a long time. His electoral victory ignited the poorest continent in the world. Many even claimed they have seen their messiah although he is far away in the White house. But with the global economic meltdown, his inherited two wars and the long line […]

Cameroonian students react to Berlusconi’s speech

The battle to transmit cultural integration is fast becoming a daily song in Verona. In the big picture the city may be described with anything from discrimination to ‘anti immigrants’ behaviors, but beneath the surface, some tiny groups and concerned individuals are trying to rewrite the story and make the city a multicultural society that […]

“Immigration in European Council agenda” – Scotti

The European Council should deal with the illegal immigration problem during the next meeting to be held on 18 and 19 June”. This is the request of Italian undersecretary to the foreign office, Vincenzo Scotti, said. Mediterranean countries, Scotti added, approve the Italian proposition. The presidency will decide during the reunion of the Home Affairs […]

“Gaddafi is like the police officer of Maroni” – Touadi

We report here the interview to Jean-Leonard Touadi, first Italian MP to be born in Africa. The interview was done the 13 of May 2009. Jean-Leonard Touadi is very worried called him in a moment of rest from parliamentary works just a little before the approval of the so-called “DDL sicurezza” (i.e. security act) […]

European Council conclusions on Somalia

We report here the entire conclusions taken bu the European Council about the conflict in Somalia. In a joint session between the Foreign and Defence Ministers, the Council discussed the situation in Somalia and the EU naval operation against piracy EU NAVFOR – Operation ATALANTA. The Council adopted the following conclusions: “1. The Council condemns […]

Jacob Zuma's presidential speech

We publish here below the speech made yesterday by the new president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma. Your Majesties,Your Royal Highnesses,Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government and Leaders and Members of delegations, Chairpersons of the African Union and the African Commission, Esteemed Members of the Order of Mapungubwe, our icon the Hon Nelson Mandela, […]

African cultural day in Verona University

The intercultural activity held yesterday by the African student union of Verona was more than just the talks.   It was a day packed with numerous activities, all to promote intercultural exchange in the University and beyond its border. The city of Verona is fast be reawaken to the challenges ahead, as integration and intercultural […]