“New cooperation models” – conference in Milan

Below we publish the rough translation of the press release (originally in Italian) of the Italian Ngo [Non-Government Organisation] CoLomba made about a conference held in Milan on “New models of cooperation: more responsibility or less money?” Making the system, increase the positive impact of development aid through coordination and synergy between the different forms […]

my name is Nigeria, her is a bit about me…………

As publicly published on Facebook. I am Nigeria. I have millions of acres of arable land and billions of cubic litres of water, but I cannot feed myself. So I spend $1 billion to import rice and another $2billion to import milk. I produce rice, but don’t eat it. I have 60 million cattle but […]

Italy open the doors to 10,000 foreigners for work

10 thousand foreign citizen will be allowed to ask permission to enter into Italy for internships and work experiences. The news appeared on the newsletter ‘Srm materiali’ made by Refugees and migrant service (notiziario del servizio rifugiati e migranti (srm)] of Federazione delle chiese evangeliche in Italia (fcei, Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy). As […]

Tomorrow press conference in Rome about Africa

A press conference will be held tomorrow, 10 September, in Rome (Italy)  about missionary press organisations working in Africa. “Reconciliation, justice and peace for Africa”, this is the title of the meeting with the press, will take place at the headquarters of the Italian Azione Cattolica (Catholic Action) in Rome in Via della Conciliazione 1 […]

Refugees: EU Commission back ‘resettlement’ program

The European Commission proposed today a program for the relocation of refugees from a country of first asylum, offering temporary protection, to another country that could offer permanent protection. Jacques Barrot, Member of the European Commission for Justice, Freedom and Security, said that it is a tool that will enable the EU to show solidarity […]

4th night for solidarity with the refugees

Milan will host the forth night for solidarity with the refugees. The meeting will be in piazza Oberdan, Thursday 3rd September from 8pm in the capital of Lombardy region. What follow is the pres release with quotes from some of the organisers. We are again all togheter in the name of solitdarity and welcome  for […]

Frattini article on development's aid

Below the article of the Italian foreign minister, Franco Frattini, published by the daily L’Osservatore Romano on July 10 2009 with headline “Public-private partnerships against poverty.” In preparing the meeting for the Italian Presidency of the G8 there has been a great interest to the words of Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, president of Caritas […]

"Let's rethink aid to Africa" – Aoudou

It is time to rethink the method of allocation of aid to Africa. By my humble opinion, until now the approach used by financial funds, has proved ineffective. Yes inefficient and unnecessary. When you hear that some institution granted such financial aid to any African country in a specific area (e.g. education, health etc.) we […]

Goukouni returns to Chad with hope

“I have decided to come back definitively to Chad to be of use to my country,” the former Chad president told APF. His decision to return to his country after nearly a quarter of century in exile, he said, was based on two main reasons. Chad has changed from the way it used to be […]

Nhka Africa not yet ready for WARC

JOHANNESBURG – The Dutch Reformed Church of Africa (Nhka) is not yet ready to be readmitted into the World Alliance of Reformed Chruches (WARC). This is the conclusion reached last May 23 by the Executive Board after having heard the report of a committee. The Nhka had been expelled in 1982 by the communion of […]