South Africa: government break with the past

President Jacob Zuma uttered the words, but South Africans have long known the truth. “We are not yet winning this battle. If we are to stop the progress of this disease through our society, we will need to pursue extraordinary measures,” he told MPs at the end of October. Everyone knew the importance of his […]

Nigeria: Yar’Adua’s health is heating up

The Nigerian President is still in Saudi Arabian hospital with everything between hope and despair spawning tension in the Nigerian media. The fear of many is that a bigger batter is behind the corner. “Nigerian Tribune reliably gathered that the succession struggle is being fuelled, because some of those who followed the president to Saudi […]


President Jacob Zuma stunned opposition parties and legal commentators when he named the Justice Department’s former Director-General Menzi Simelane as National Director of Public Prosecutions. This means that Mr Simelane will now succeed Adv Vusi Pikoli – the man he helped push out – as the Head of the National Prosecuting Authority. Opposition parties on […]

Napolitano meets no-racism campaigners

This morning the president of the republic of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, meets with the speakers of all the associations who promoted the antiracist campaign in Italy. Among them the G2 – seconde generazioni network of daughters and sons of immigrants parents in Italy. The representatives of all organisations will give to Napolitano all the 80 […]

Forum Taormina on Africa: third edition ended

The third edition of the Forum on Africa, organised in Taormina (Sicily, Italy) by Fondazione Banco di Sicilia and The European House Ambrosetti, hosted the presentation of two projects: one of telemedicine and an agri-food park. Yesterday, Friday October 2nd, was dedicated to agribusiness and sustainability. The day began with speeches by Paolo Borzatta (The […]

Forum Taormina: Africa and global business crisis

The Forum on Africa in Taormina (Italy) has began with a lot of attention and participations by attendants from Africa, Europe and other continents. The whole venue, which is this year the third edition, has started at 3 pm. The first half of the afternoon has been introduced by  Giovanni Puglisi, president of Banco id […]

Forum Africa Taormina: from 3pm on our Twitter

By this afternoon will follow the forum on Africa in Taormina (Italy). You can follow live updates on our Twitter at

South Africa: Zuma cracks down on ANC conspirators

President Zuma revealed on on Monday that the ANC national executive committee had decided at the weekend to “develop a code of conduct on lobbying” as a way of stopping the currently raging succession battle, which he described as “premature” and “opportunistic”. “The promotion of a succession debate so prematurely is a mischievous diversion that […]

HRW accuses Italy of violations –

As published on, the independent organisation Human Rights Watch accuses Italy about forced returns of migrants to Libya where many of them are beaten up by the police while under detention in jail and has urged the European Union to “press Italy to halt illegal forced returns to Libya“   22nd September 2009: Human […]

Castel Volturno after one year of violence

M If there is a day Castel Volturno will not forget about African migrants, 18th of September 2008 is that day. Like a routine police control, some members of a local clan were dressed in police uniform and they drove to an African shop by the roadside. In a matter of seconds, they have shot dead […]