Libyans reclaim Gaddafi beach

Families play in the sea around Tripoli beach after its liberation by rebels.

Water situation in Libya, greatest UN 'concern'

Water shortages in Tripoli are “serious” but not “critical”, the United Nations’ humanitarian coordinator in Libya said Friday, dismissing fears of a looming disaster.

Mapping out Libya's future

International talks start in Paris to discuss Libya’s possible transition to democracy.

Support for Libyan rebels

Food, fuel and ice are being trucked in to help the Libyan rebels in the war effort. CNN’s Fred Pleitgen reports.

Manhunt for Gaddafi intensifies

The fighting continues in Tripoli and the Libyan rebels want Gaddafi dead.

Latest news from SABC NewsBreak6pm, 26 August 2011

African nations are divided over Libya. Sabc tv reports.

Explosion strikes UN building in Nigeria's capital

An explosion struck the UN headquarters in the Nigerian capital Abuja on Friday, after a car loaded with explosives rammed into the compound, killing at least 10 people.

News from South Africa by SABC

NewsBreak1pm, 26 August 2011 News on tv by Sabc, South African Broadcasting Corporation.

Nigeria: bomb attack against UN office in Abuja

A bomb attack has damaged a UN building in Abuja, Nigeria, about an hour ago. Our correspondent from Lagos, Chioma Ogwuegbu, has just reported. 10 people are reported dead. This is a photo sent via blackberry by our correspondent.

Libya SAS 'In Gaddafi Hunt'

SkyNews video report about the involvement of SAS for the hunt of Gaddafi in Libya.