Libya: for Italy "less immigrants and more oil"

After the agreement managed recently with Libya, Italy will have “longer contracts for the furniture of Libyan oil”, mp Stefania Craxi of the Italian ministry of foreign affairs said in an interview to the Italian daily newspaper “Il Secolo XIX”. In the interview, which is also published on the Farnesina website, Craxi illustrate some details […]

Gaddafi: "nothing can mend all the sufferings" under Italian colonial rule

“In this historical document the great Italian people shows us its sorrow and ask us its pardon for what was done by the fascists with the occupation, when they destroyed, killed and obliged many people to leave their homes. So they offer a compensation although nothing can mend all the sufferings the Libyans experienced”, the […]

Mozambique: Italy takes part at Maputo international exhibition

It will start tomorrow, 1 September, the FACIM, the international exhibition in Maputo, Mozambique’s capital city. Italy will be present with many businessmen and entrepreneurs interested in investments and trade deals in Mozambique. “Many operators and businesses from 16 different countries will take part to the exhibition. They will represent various business sectors”, so it […]

Kenya: Tsvangirai in Kenya to learn how to share power

Zimbabwean opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is visiting Kenya to familiarize himself on the modalities of  a coalition government and power sharing. Tsvangirai has so far met with Kenya’s Prime Minister Raila Odinga whom they had closed door discussions with. Tsvangirai called on Kenya’s Premier to intervene in the Zimbabwean political impasse. Raila’s ODM party agreed […]

Somalia: Italian Ngo appeals to Berlusconi and Frattini

The association of Italian Ngos is worried for the life of volunteers kidnapped 70 days ago in Somalia. It is written in a press release. “Iolanda Occhipinti, Giuliano Paganini, Abdirahman Yusuf Arale of Ngo “Cins” and Mahamuud ‘Abdi Aaden, Faaduma Suldaan ‘Abdirahmaan, ‘Ali Mao’, Mahadey Biile of Ngo “Acqua per la Vita” are still kept […]

Life in Cameroon: a volunteer point of view

Many could think that volunteer’s life in Africa is probably the harshest of all and that they have almost no such amenities as people have in the so called developed world, such as computer and internet. This is not the case for volunteer Tracy E. Longacre. In fact she updates regularly two blogs and a […]

South Africa: technology is used to change the country

Nelson Mandela’s country is not only famous for the violences that struck this year. South Africa is also the land hosting an important organisation aiming to help people. This is Heartlines forgood: “A new social movement that uses technology, specifically cellphone SMS messages and the internet, to connect and mobilise people who want to change […]

Business secretary course for immigrant women opens in Rome

A business secretary course for women immigrated in Italy from extra EU countries opened in Rome. The course, which is free for women willing to enroll, is managed by “Migra in Coop”, a service of the company  Service Lazio 2000. “Migra in coop is a service dedicated to immigrants and businesses. This is one of […]

Nigeria: Mimiko wins local elections

Akure, Nigeria – Labourist candidate Mimiko wins against Agagu in Ondo state elections. The tribunal said today. “The last elections in Nigeria were flawed as there were massive rigging and violence“, reporter Kayode Ogundamisi said. The Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Ondo state capital Akure, today declared the Labour Party governorship candidate Dr. Olusegun Mimiko […]

Zimbabwe: conference about democracy in Milan, Italy

“La democrazia in Zimbabwe: cronaca di una morte annunciata?” (Democracy in Zimbabwe: report of an announced death?) is the title of a conference organised last 21 of July in Milan by associazione Radicale “Enzo Tortora”. “After 30 years of war, the Eritrea’s regime received arms instead of reconstruction help” Michael Kidane, president of the Charity […]