Tunisia: Abdallah will meet Frattini in Rome

The foreign secretary of Tunisia, Abdelwahab Abdallah, will meet tomorrow his Italian colleague, Franco Frattini, in Rome. The meeting will start around at noon in the Farnesina headquarter, the Italian foreign ministry said in a press release.

Zimbabwe: Motlanthe urges SADC to solve crisis

The president of South Africa, Kgalema Motlanthe, said yesterday, Monday the 26 of January, that a resolution to the crisis in Zimbabwe must be found and that the time for talking was over. He said this during an extraordinary Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit.

Italy's Camera approves treaty with Libya

From the Parliament: Chamber: Green light for Italy-Libya treaty 22 January 2009 The Chamber of Deputies has approved the bill for the ratification of the friendship, partnership and cooperation treaty between Italy and Libya signed on 30 August 2008 by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Libyan leader, Gheddafi. The bill, which now goes to […]

New opportunities for students in North Africa

The Italian foreign ministry website has just published a list of countries and institutions offering grants and opportunities to students willing to relocale for a period of time. The participants will be younger than 35 years of age.  The offering African countries are Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. This is the web address where you will […]

Addis Ababa will host African Union summit

The 12th summit of the African Union will be hosted by the 26th of January in Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. The theme of this edition will be the development of infrastructure in Africa. As stated in a press release by the African Union the summit will follow this schedule: 26-27 January 2009: 17th Ordinary Session […]

Sit-in in Rome against DR Congo war

A sit-in will take place in front of the ministry of Foreign affairs in Rome next 24 January at 2pm against the war in DR Congo.

Conference: immigration and business

An Italian research about immigration and business will be presented this thursday 15 of January 10.30 am in Milan, in Circolo della stampa, Corso Venezia 16 (Sala Montanelli). The study made by Ethnoland foundation is one of the few in Italy, a country that has known little immigration compared to other major European countries. Nevertheless […]

Camerun: Bangwa people will remember Chiara Lubich

Italian blogger and passionate about Africa, Riccardo Barlaam, writes about the party held today and tomorrow in honour of late Chiara Lubich of the Focolari christian catholic movement, organised by the Bangwa people of Cameroon.

Sudan: maybe 50 dead by Ugandan rebels attack

Fifty people may be dead and 9 abducted after attacks in southwest Sudan, near the Democratic Republic of Congo. The news apperead today on UN Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN). Accordingly to officiales in the southern city of Juba in Sudan, the authors of the 5 January attack might be “remnants of the Ugandan rebel […]

DR Congo: Ugandan rebels attack a park in Congo

The Garamba National Park headquarters were attacked yesterday by Ugandan rebels. The news was reported by Environment news service (ENS). Park rangers and the Congolese armed forces defended themselves and the park from the attack. Nonetheless there were a number of casualties and material damages.