Water problem: millions of dollars get lost

Many projects and millions of dollars would get lost before the actual construction of water supply resources are built in western Africa countries. The news written by Riccardo Bianchi, appeared on the Ifg website, Institute for journalism studies, in Milan (Italy).

DR Congo: "Kisangani is still alive" – mayor Baendo

Last 6 of May Africanews.it interviewed the Mayor of Kisangani, a city in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Mr Guy Shilton Baendo, the mayor of Kisangani, repeatedly said that he wants his city to be out of isolation despite the wars that have been fought on its territory.

Ghana-Riace: the experience of Danaevo

Danaevo is a citizen from Ghana. He lives in Riace, near Reggio Calabria (south Italy) since two and a half months.

Africans are looking for a job in Riace (Italy)

Mast May 1st we interviewed two African citizens, an Ethiopian and a Somali citizen, in Riace, near Reggio Calabria (south Italy). They were there, beside other Italians, showing solidarity to the mayor of Riace, Domenico Lucano, who supposedly was targeted twice by the local criminal organization called ‘Ndrangheta. Some believe thatt he two criminal acts […]

Swine flu: Central Africa authorities in alert

The A/H1N1 virus of swine influenza has not yet been reported in Central Africa, but the political authorities in the region have already decided to prevent it. Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo and Chad have launched strategies to address the spread of swine influenza.

Africa QUI: interview to Stefania Ragusa

Reached via Skype by Africanews.it, Stefania Ragusa tells us everything about her latest book “Africa QUI” (Africa HERE). The book, published by Italian publishing company Edizioni dell’Arco, was presented in Milan the 21 of April 2009.

Senegal and Italy are a bit closer

Italian news program “Italia Italie” on TG1 has broadcast today of a project of international cooperation called “Binario Senegal” (‘Track Senegal’).

Somalia: no ultimatum for Buccaneer – Farnesina

Italians taken hostage in Somalia are part of a mistery. The Italian Foreign Ministry has not confirmed today the ultimatum requested by Somali pirates who held hostage two Italians as part of the seizure of the vessel Buccaneer. “With reference to reports by some relatives of our fellow citizens taken hostage – a press release […]

South Africa: ANC needs 0.2% for 2/3 majority

As the counting of votes continues, the ANC needs 0.2% to keep its two thirds majority. Something that may allow the main Southafrican political party to change the constitution made in the 90s after the anti apartheid struggle. The news appeared on a government website buanews.gov.za, signed by Nthambeleni Gabara. “The African National Congress – […]

Kenya: 24 killed for money extortion

24 people have been killed because of the fighting between villagers and Mungiki people, members of a sect, in central Kenya. “The residents of a village near the central Kenyan town of Karatina  – signonsandiego.com reports – fought members of Mungiki because they have been extorting money from them, said Charles Owino, the deputy police […]