Sierra Leone: women need help

We republish here an article that first appeared on Mobilizing media ( Imagine returning home from your husband’s funeral, only to find your key no longer fits in the door.

Shell and the Blood of Decades Past

Ken Saro-Wiwa and his eight fellow Ogoni-brothers were executed in 1995 by the Nigerian military government and the real cause of their death is still inflaming fire in the Niger Delta. What makes Nigeria one of the leading oil producers in the world is Niger Delta, yet the indigenous people who should have counted the […]

DR Congo: UN Security Council's visit. What now?

As part of strengthening the partnership for peace with the African Union (AU), a delegation from the Security Council of the United Nations (UN), led by the French ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert, has visited Africa for some time. Addis Ababa, Kigali, Kinshasa, Goma in North Kivu and Liberia’s capital, Monrovia.

Malawi: new president Mutharika inaugurated today

Bingu wa Mutharika was elected yesterday as new president of Malawi. He will be inaugurated today at Kamuzu Stadium.  Even though Malawi former president Bakili Muluzi has conceded defeat, the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) is disputing the results.

Somalia: Italy holds meeting on piracy

The 9 and 10 of June Italy will hold a meeting with political representatives of Somalia to face the piracy problem.  “The piracy problem – Italy foreign minister, Franco Frattini, said – can only be solved helping Somalia to develop its fragile government”. Moreover Frattini stressed the importance for the European Union institutions to act […]

"Mediterranean union is too important" – Craxi

“Union for the Mediterranean is too important.” Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Stefania Craxi, said during yesterday’s visit  to Algiers where he met with Foreign Minister, Mourad Medelci, and the Minister for Maghreb and African Affairs Abdel Malek Messhael. “The project of a Mediterranean union, which had an arrest after the crisis in Gaza, is too […]

Somalia: 68 deaths since Friday

Clashes between moderate pro-Islamic militia and those of the fundamentalist group al Shabaab have killed at least 68 people in central Somalia, while 3000 refugees are fleeing the area. The report pro-forces and a group of Human Rights. Today, witnesses report that the al Shabaab militia have captured Jowhar, a strategic town that is an […]

Berlusconi calls Gaddafi on immigration

Italian website reports about a phone call between Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, and Libyan dictator, Mohammed Gaddafi about the immigration issue. According to the Italian news website, this is aimed at opening talks between Tripoli and Washington via Rome. What follows is a translation of the article from Italian. A new phone call […]

Somalia: Italian foreign office sends aid

Franco Frattini, Italian foreign ministry, has sent a flight full of medical drugs destined to Somalian hospitals to ease the suffering population endangered by the on-going conflicts. The news comes from a press release from the Italian foreign office. “Answering the call of Somalia’s Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke, [Frattini] has sent a flight with […]

Comoros islands votes controversial referendum

The controversial constitutional referendum held today in the Comoros islands may push the country, a federation made of many islands, into a civil war. The news appeared in a Reuters news agency report by Ahmed Ali Amir. “Comorans voted on Sunday on whether to streamline the archipelago’s government system in a referendum that opponents say […]