South Africa: Nkoane Mashabane meets Frattini

On the sidelines of the G8 summit, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa Maite Nkoane Mashabane. 

Dolomites for Africa: 6000 people in the mountains

From the 8th to the 10th of July, the eight most industrialised countries of the world, also known as the ‘G8’, would be meeting in L’Aquila (Italy) and should they wish to forget the often forgettable African continent, more than 6000 concerned individuals went to register their voices yesterday at the high mountains of Dolomites, […]

Guinea Bissau: polls open for Vieira’s successor

Polls are open in Guinea-Bissau for these presidential elections that will choose the country’s president after the assassination of former head of state Joao Bernardo Vieira. “Observers hope that the election in the tiny West African nation, dubbed a “narco-state” for its role as a hub for drugs trafficked from South America to Europe, will […]

Guinea Bissau: Italian media coverage

Guinea Bissau has voted yesterday for the presidential elections. In March and at the beginning of June the former president and the favourite candidate for these elections were killed. Today no Italian newspaper report the news while online just report the news beside the website of Radio Vaticana (Vatican radio).

Mauritania gets a coalition government

While attending the next general elections, political parties in Mauritania have agreed to form a transitional government ending the military regime installed last year. The elections will be held in Mauritania on the 18 of July 2009 and, eventually, on the 2 of August.


Last 20 of June the World Refugee Day has been celebrated by African Union Commission in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The event featured film projections, horal singing by the children refugee, an exhibition of photographs and a sale of work of arts created by the refugees […]

The day of the African child 2009 in the DR Congo

Yesterday, the 16 of June 2009, was the day of the African child. A video report from Unicef stress the importance of health care of the indigenous communities which do not receive any health interventation. The action by volunteers and, among them, by Doctors for Africa is part of a government programme aimed to overcome […]

New development cooperation in Africa

What follow is rough translation of the event held by Fondazione Basso about new forms of development aid to poor countries in Zimbabwe and Malawi. The Basso Foundation – International Section, as part of the cycle of conferences on New forms of development cooperation in Africa, is organizing the third meeting dedicated to Zimbabwe and […]

DR Congo: two villages wanted by Angola and Uganda

DR Congo seems to have permeable boundaries. From two sides, neighbouring countries are encroaching on its territorial integrity. Latest in the news are the Angolan military incursions towards the end of May 2009 in the Congolese village of Sava, in the territory of Mbanza Ngungu, more than 200 km from Matadi, capital of the Province […]

Somalia: Frattini will meet Somali authorities

Today and tomorrow, Italian foreign minister, Franco Frattini, will meet the authorities of Somalia for the meeting of the “International Contact Group on Somalia”. The group gathers international actors (states and international organizations) more committed to the peace process in Somalia, currently chaired by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Somalia, Ambassador […]