Ghana: call for missing girl

We copy and paste here the text of a call for a missing little girl in Ghana. The message was sent to the members of the “Future of Africa” group on Facebook. “We need your help to find missing 7 year old Ghanian Girl!

DR Congo: Caritas hospital inaugurated

On Friday, August 28 2009 the Bishop of Goma, Faustin Ngabu, has inaugurated the Caritas hospital. The project was financed by a Spanish NGO while a project carried out by the England and Wales arm of Caritas has playes an important part.

Nigeria: Nigerian cops sweep up bodies

We republish below the report from Bauchi in northern Nigeria about the clashes with Islamists extremists. The report by AFP has been published on Bauchi – Police in Nigeria are picking up bodies of slain militants from the streets of the capital Borno where a curfew has been imposed by the presidency.

Sudan: "worst than Darfur” – Internazionale

The Italian weekly Internazionale has published this week a report from the Observer. “Peggio del Darfur” (Worst than Darfur) is the title of the Italian translation of the report published this week. The feature by TRACY McVEIGH, analyse the situation in the southern and easter regions of Sudan and explains how comes that it is […]

Niger: president Tandja calls for general elections

Niger’s president, Mamadou Tandja, has made a decree calling for general elections on October the 20, 2009 to renew the parliament. French news agency Agence France-Presse reports quoting Niger’s state radio station.

DR Congo: 10 people dead in diamond mine accident

At least 10 miners died in the collapse of a mine of diamonds in the center of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Italian news agency Ansa reports. Local sources explain that the victims are all miners who extracted for the company Miba and they could be more than 10, the same Italian press […]

DR Congo: petition against massive sexual crimes

Union du Congo is promoting a petition against massive sexual crimes in Dr Congo. Here below you find a rough translation in English from the original text of the petion in French which you can find here: The Congolese people expressed satisfaction, in its vast majority, of the promise made by U.S. Secretary of […]

Rwanda and Congo come closer, Hillary Clinton is coming!

At a time when the U.S. Secretary of State decides to make a diplomatic tour in seven African countries, Rwanda’s Paul Kagame and Joseph Kabila also agreed to make clear to the world their desire to bury the hatchet of the war in the Great Lakes region. This is the reason of the meeting this […]

Niger: referendum stops president

The referendum in Niger, held last week, has been successfull in stopping the actual president to be reelected. In particular, the referendum’s result stopped a change to the 1999 constitution that would have paved the way for “Mamadou Tandja, the incumbent president, to potentiality rule indefinitel”, AlJazeera English reports. The opposition had encouraged Niger’s voters […]

Africans in Messina begs for help

Yesterday’s protests in Messina (Sicily, Italy) against the bridge that will link mainland Italy with Sicily, there were not just men, women and Italian children but also African citizens who usually survive in Rosarno (Calabria region).