Ethiopia: federalism could cause violence – TerraViva

We republish here this report about federalism in Ethiopia. A reform that could lead to more violence in this war thorn country. ETHIOPIA: ETHNIC FEDERALISM COULD LEAD TO POLL VIOLENCEOmer Redi ADDIS ABABA (IPS) – Criticised as system of dividing and ruling people according to their ethnic groups, Ethiopia’s federalism has just become a bone […]

Libya: "Migrants returned to face abuse" – TerraViva

We republish the report previously published on TerraViva Europe about life conditions of asylum seekers in Libya. The report is written by Sabina Zaccaro.

Somalia: suicide car bomb kills nine soldiers

Two car bomb attacks yesterday morning killed 9 soldiers and injured Maj. Gen. Nathan Mugisha, head of Ugandan peacekeepers in Somalia. The attack has been made by Islamist fundamentalists in Mogadishu. Juvenile Niyoyunguriza, African Union force deputy Commander and Burundian general, was among the dead caused by the two suicide car bombs at the African […]

West Africa: Italy send flight after floods

Italy’s foreign ministry has organised yesterday with UN office OCHA an humanitarian flight for Senegal and Burkina Faso populations damaged by recent heavy rains. A press release by Italian foreign office said. The decision has been taken in partnership with Norway and Ireland and has shipped in these two African countries 40 tons of humanitarian […]

“Zimbabwe must abide by Sadc” – civil society

We republish here the report by Stanley Kwenda as appeared on Terraviva Europe. SOUTHERN AFRICA: ZIMBABWE MUST ABIDE BY SADC DECISIONS tStanley Kwenda

[UPDATE] Ghana: call for missing girl

On the 2nd of September we published the call for a missing girl in Ghana. Here we’re happy to update that news as she has been found. Below you can find the message as published on Facebook.

Senegal: Hundreds displaced after clashes

600 people or more are displaced in the Casamance’s region main city, Ziguinchor. UN website reports. What follows is the full report

Zimbabwe: SADC leaders calls end of sanctions

The BBC is reporting that southern Africa leaders called today the international community to end sanctions against Zimbabwe.

Kenya: Somalia pirates held in Kenyatta airport

37 suspected pirates are held in Kenyatta airport in Nairobi under high security. “President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga had been informed about the aircraft and its human cargo and were said to be in negotiations with both the Seychelles and Somali governments”, The Nation reports.   Source: Norwegian Council for Africa,,

Mali: interview to Souleymane Yanogue

Souleymane Yanogue is the president of the Association for the solidairty of North / South Mali which deals with the development of rural and urban areas of the country. interviewed him via Facebook despite the oddities of electricity in Mali.