South Africa: Zuma speaks up for poor countries

President Jacob Zuma, who is attending the CHOGM [Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting] summit, is of the strong view that multilateral forums such as this Commonwealth gathering, should be used to champion the cause of poor and vulnerable countries adversely affected by climate change. “The impact of climate change is more severe to smaller countries… […]

Guinea Bissau: voting calm and high turnout

The calm voting process and the high turnout to these elections runoff in Guinea Bissau has shown the willingness of this people to leave the violences of the past and start a new beginning.

Congo closes his consulate in Belgium after De Gutch declarations

The government in Kinshasa has decided to close one office of its diplomatic representation in Belgium after the declarations of Karel De Gutch, Belgium’s foreign ministry. According to Misna, Italian missiornary service news agency, “after the declarations of the foreign ministry of Belgium by whom his government has a moral duty over democratic republic of […]

Nigeria: a key fighter in Niger Delta about to surrender

In less than 24 hours to the deadline of an amnesty, offered by the Federal government of Nigeria, a Key fighter, Tompolo is preparing to surrender with more than 3,000 of his follow fighters. This was made known yesterday, to Vanguard, one of Nigerians’ leading newspapers. The ceremony, according to Vanguard, will take place in one […]

Kenya: Italian Ngo Lvia manage project for drought

Since August 2009 the north-east of Kenya suffer a severe drought. The Italian NGO LVIA has a project in the East African country for this. “According to the UN World Food Program – it is written in a note from LVIA – a Kenyan out of ten needs assistance. The intervention of the UN in […]

Somalia: leader defends peacekeepers’ killings

A radical Islamist leader in Somalia said Sunday that a suicide attack that killed 21 African Union peacekeepers was the right thing to do. Mr Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys said Thursday’s attack was meant to defend Islam. “The Islamic religion permits such kinds of attacks if they are against known enemies and in the defence […]

Chief Anthony Enahoro and the Nigerian Nation

Chief Enahoro is one of the leaders of the Mega Summit Movement, organiser of the forth coming national summit on democracy, 1st of October in Abuja. Nelson Mandela and JJ Rawlings are among the attendants. The aim is to merge several political parties in the country, to create a sizeable rival to the ruling People […]

South Africa: Zuma and the new military commission

President Jacob Zuma has departed from his tough stance on soldiers belonging to unions, saying they “must belong to some association”. President Zuma drew laughter and applause from the more than 4 000 delegates at COSATU’S 10th congress, which started On Monday when he said he was afraid unionised soldiers, would try to strike in […]

South Africa: Zuma to visit Russia – amb. Makaraov

According to Russia’s ambassador Anatoly Makarov, SA president Jacob Zuma is set to visit Russia in April or May. Russian ambassador to South Africa said this after a meeting hosted by Business Unity SA (BUSA) in Midrand on On Monday with the Participation of the Russia-SA Business Council. The news appeared on the daily news […]

Milan-Bamako: a travel for charity

Subscriptions are open for the Milan-Bamako charity travel. The organisation has few simple rules: “Italy-Mali: You have less than 15 days and up to 68 h.p. (50 kW) to reach the Savannah across tarmac, rubble, sand and dirt tracks. All you need is a simple means of transport (a car brand new or old but […]