Presidency defends busy hotline

The Presidency has defended President Jacob Zuma’s hotline after it emerged that 87 percent of all the calls made to the service went unanswered. Presidential spokesman Vincent Magwenya said yesterday they were addressing the hotline’s capacity problems. He also slammed the DA – which had been calling the hotline to lodge a number of complaints […]

Sassa CEO Fezile Makiwane resignation rejected

Social Development Minister Edna Molewa has rejected an attempt by Sassa Chief Executive Officer, Fezile Makiwane, to resign following a probe into alleged irregular procurement practices, a spokesperson said on Sunday. “The basis for the rejection is that according to his employment contract, the CEO is required to serve a notice of three months,” said […]

'SABC employee disputes no public interest'

The SABC was on Sunday tight-lipped over a newspaper report that it has allegedly suspended its popular 7pm newsreader, Mahendra Raghunath. “I refuse to discuss staff issues. It doesn’t help anyone,” said spokesman Kaizer Kganyago. “It’s a matter between employer and employee,” he said. Kganyago said he did not see how SABC employee disputes were […]

Icasa's digital migration plan lacks BEE element – Nafcoc

NAFCOC Broadcasting Consortium is returning to court to challenge the new revised digital migration regulations, claiming the rules are still not accommodating black broadcasters. Last week the Independent Communications Authority of SA (Icasa) issued regulations on the migration of terrestrial television broadcasts from analogue to digital signals after it was forced to withdraw the initial […]

A Bus System Reopens Rifts in South Africa

Since the days of apartheid, when blacks were required to live in distant townships like this, Susan Hanong, a 67-year-old maid, has commuted to the wealthy northern suburbs of Johannesburg, one of the spectral figures trudging through darkened streets on long trips to wash white people’s clothes and mind their children. But at dawn recently, […]

ANCYL Leader Malema on offensive over his assets

ANC Youth League president Julius Malema has accused those who leaked stories about his houses, cars and his enrichment through government tenders of employing the same strategies used by former president Thabo Mbeki. SABC news reported yesterday that Malema, who was addressing ANC branches in Potchefstroom, said Mbeki’s government had also been prone to investigating […]

R42 000-a-month Vavi says he's open to lifestyle audit

Zwelinzima Vavi, the man who called on president President Jacob Zuma to introduce a lifestyle audit, says his own life is available for audit. “I want to lead by example. I have nothing to hide,” Vavi said. Vavi earns R42 000 a month and takes home about R27 000. He pays R10 000 a month […]

SANDF proposal for border security inadequate – Maynier

The Democratic Alliance (DA) believes that the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Lindiwe Sisulu, should reject the defence force’s hopelessly inadequate proposal for taking over the borderline security function in South Africa. The fact is that if the defence force’s proposal is implemented there may be: fewer members of security services patrolling our borders; […]

S.Africa: DA leader launches education campaign

Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Helen Zille launched a national education campaign in Soshanguve, north of Pretoria at the weekend, aimed at alleviating a learning and teaching crisis in the country. Zille said the DA’s campaign, if implemented across the country, would improve the quality of the public education system. “We want to get the education […]

Tchad et Soudan : une nouvelle promesse de paix qui ne résout pas le problème

Cela ressemble décidément à un véritable marché de dupes. Les deux pays voisins ne cessent de s’accuser mutuellement de soutenir des groupes rebelles visant à déstabiliser leurs territoires respectifs et ne cessent de signer des accords de paix. En effet, chaque fois après des tensions vives entre les deux pays, l’on annonce des accords de […]