1 March 2010 in Reggio Calabria: video

1st of March: photos of conference in Rosarno

Bertinotti with director of Rosarno’s school, Mrs Russo Fausto Bertinotti, former head of Italian Camera dei Deputati, drinks a rosarnese orange juice Auditorium of “Piria” school in Rosarno  “Mamma Africa” with African boys and mom Cristiana from Rosarno Pap Khouma, writer from Senegal Giuseppe Scandinaro, president of Arci association in Rosarno Tito Boeri, economist Pap […]

Sudan: Khartoum offers to share power with rebels

Khartoum will offer Darfur’s most powerful rebel group government posts as part of a future peace deal to end conflict in Sudan’s west, according to documents setting out the terms of negotiations. The documents were the first concrete sign that Khartoum is prepared to share power with its bitter foe in the western region — […]

Command centre to co-ordinate World Cup traffic

The Department of Transport is to launch a “command centre” that will co-ordinate the transport plans for the nine host cities of the Soccer World Cup. The command and call centre would serve as a central hub of co- ordination for transport operations, information management and risk assessment throughout SA during the World Cup. Host […]

South Africa: Business interests fine – JZ

President Jacob Zuma yesterday said there was nothing to prevent ANC Youth League President (ANCYL) Julius Malema from having undeclared business interests, because he is not an elected public official. “Malema is not a government employee, he’s not a director of any thing. He is Malema, he’s a politician, he’s the leader of the ANC […]

South Africa: Vavi belittled on audits

President Jacob Zuma has put Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi in his place over his call for lifestyle audits of politicians and public servants. Addressing the Parliamentary Press Gallery Association yesterday, President Zuma also manoeuvred carefully on the storm raging over ANC Youth League president Julius Malema and his business dealings, while emphasising that the […]

South Africa: Zuma says student did 'something untoward'

President Jacob Zuma on Tuesday said the student who allegedly gave his convoy the finger had recognised that he did something “untoward” because he had apologised for his actions. “The man apologised. The fact that he’s apologising, he must then know that there is something untoward,” Zuma told the parliamentary press gallery association. UCT student […]

President Zuma unable to grant pardons

Former president Thabo Mbeki has effectively prevented President Jacob Zuma from unilaterally pardoning a number of racist, religious and political killers. At least, not without consulting their victims. This was the unanimous decision of the Constitutional Court, which was faced with the president, ministers and Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) on one side and the victims and […]

Strike of foreigners: interview to Stefania Ragusa

In this interview journalist Stefania Ragusa explain all the details of the organisation before the strike of foreigners in Italy the 1 of March 2010. She explains how works the organisation for such national and international event without sponsors from any political party or trade union organisations. She also details the relations between the national […]

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane to talk business in China

International Relations and Co-operation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane would visit China for two days later this week for continued discussion about business and economic issues, her office said on Monday. Her schedule on Thursday and Friday would include a visit to the South African Pavilion under construction at the Shanghai 2010 World Expo and a courtesy […]