Togo: opposition rejects results

Togo’s main opposition party is rejecting results announced by the electoral commission that indicate the country’s president has won re-election. The opposition says it will challenge those results when they are transmitted to Togo’s constitutional court within the next week. Kofi Yamgnane is the spokesman for the Republican Front for Change, which backs Fabre. He […]

Nigeria: death toll rises to 500 –

According to the death toll in Nigeria’s clashes in Jos rises to 500. Initially authorities estimated 100 victims. Also the South African website writes about the 500 people killed Sunday “in communal clashes near Nigeria’s central city of Jos, says a state governor’s advisor, revising a previous toll of about 100 dead”. “We […]

Nigeria: 200 deaths in Jos. Security on red alert

At least 100 people were killed near the Nigerian city of Jos, the scene of recent sectarian violence which left hundreds dead, a government official and witnesses said Sunday. “There has been an attack on Dogo Nahawa. Over a hundred people have been killed — most of them women and children,” a government official who […]

DA welcomes funds proposal for road maintenance

The Democratic Alliance on Tuesday welcomed Transport Minister Sibusiso Ndebele’s announcement that the department would look at ring-fencing funds to tackle the road infrastructure backlog.  This was a measure the DA had repeatedly called for in the past — in the form of a dedicated road maintenance fund with funding sourced from the fiscus and […]

Orange Farm residents' demands 'reasonable' – Motshekga

The demands of Orange Farm residents are reasonable, ANC Chief Whip Mathole Motshekga said on Tuesday after meeting the community’s leaders.  “Their demands are reasonable as you can see that projects are unfinished here and there’s sewerage in the streets. The ball is now in our court as government to address the issue,” he said.  […]

US President Obama renews Mugabe sanctions

US President Barack Obama announced on Monday he was extending sanctions on Robert Mugabe’s regime for another year, saying Zimbabwe’s deep political crisis remained unresolved.  Both the European Union and the US maintain a travel ban and asset freeze on Mugabe, his wife and inner circle in protest at disputed elections and alleged human rights […]

R' 000 for tourists police locked up in error

Two tourists from the UK, who were mistakenly arrested for being in possession of a stolen car and locked in a cell for a day under harrowing conditions, will each receive R90 000 in damages from the police.  Ian Murrell and Siyananiso Mashava were travelling in a rented vehicle that was later found to have […]

South Africa tables anti-racism resolution

International Relations and Co-operation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane tabled a resolution on “anti-racism in sport” at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva yesterday.  The resolution was endorsed by the African group of nations on the council and Brazil.  “This … comes at an opportune time when South Africa will be hosting the 2010 […]

'It was like climbing a greasy pole'

Exiting home affairs director general Mavuso Msimang has admitted that he failed to root out rampant corruption in his department during his three-year tenure as a turnaround specialist. “I didn’t really get on top of corruption,” Msimang (68) said in an interview this week. “It’s a difficult one to crack because it requires a comprehensive […]

Metrorail ‘more than ready’ for World Cup

Rail passenger company Metrorail says it is more than ready to live up to its slogan, “Nomakanjani (No matter what), we’ll take you there” during the upcoming 2010 Fifa Soccer World Cup. Metrorail has been experiencing a number of delays in its operations along the Johannesburg and Vereeniging corridor which were, according to the company, […]