A24media chairman will meet US president Obama

Salim Amin, chairman of African media company A24media, will meet US president Barrack Obama on April 26 and 27 in Washington. What follows is the press release of A24media.com

Hostival: Giacovazzi tells his story

“When I’ll finish negotiations with schools I’ll let you know the school names”, Giacovazzi said during this interview in which he explains why Hostival is not a scam.

Nigeria: Goodluck Jonathan dissolves cabinet

Image via Wikipedia Nigeria’s acting presidente, Goodluck Jonathan, has dissolved the country’s cabinet yesterday. The news was on major websites all around the world. “Mr Jonathan became acting president in February amid the continuing illness of President Umaru Yar’Adua. Mr Yar’Adua went to Saudi Arabia for treatment in November last year and, despite returning to […]

Madagascar: AU imposes new sanctions

The African Union imposed sanctions on Madagascar’s leadership on Wednesday for its failure to comply with power-sharing deals struck since President Andry Rajoelina seized power a year ago. “The sanctions consist of a refusal to grant visas, the freezing of assets, including their financial assets in foreign banks, and diplomatic isolation,” said Ramtane Lamamra, the […]

Abortion and the Human Rights of Rapists

Image via Wikipedia By Katy Fentress, Freelance journalist Kenyans continue to debate the issue of abortion and how it should be defined in the constitution, after a revised draft of the document was announced last Friday. A person’s right to life begins at the moment they are conceived, states the new version of the constitution. […]

Burkina Faso: Italian undersecreatry Boniver is back – Farnesina

Margherita Boniver concluded her mission to the capital of Burkina Faso this morning. During her stay in Ouagadougou, Minister Frattini’s Special Envoy for Humanitarian Emergencies met with President of the Parliamentary Assembly Foreign Minister, Bedouma Alain Yoda, and Head of State, Blaise Comaporé. The Burkina Faso authorities reiterated their assurances of commitment and proactive collaboration […]

Mothlanthe tertiary education key for success

A nation’s success largely relies on competent tertiary education institutions, Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe said on Tuesday. “Any nation is largely reliant upon how effective its tertiary education institutions are in producing a skilled, professional, creative and innovative labour force and society in general,” Motlanthe said at his inauguration as Chancellor of the University of […]

Nigeria clashes: the interview of Democracy Now

Charges traded over Nigeria clashes – AlJazeera

Last Word: Caught in the Act

This play by Kenyan poet, writer and activist, Shailja Patel, was originally printed in The Africa Report’s February-March 2010 edition