Eritreans in Sinai: imminent liberation

We receive and publish this press release from a NGO about the imminent release of the Eritreans hostages in Sinai, Egypt.

Sudan: To Be or Not To Be

Sudan is one of the countries that will always remain indispensable in the African continent. It’s not just because a most renowned African civilisations, the ancient Nubian society once flourished there, or that it is the biggest African country; Sudan is of special important to Africa, both due to its strategic position and what it […]

Ivory Coast’s Gbagbo defies world leaders

Video by Euronews about the elections in Ivory Coast.

Eritreans in Sinai: a call from Italian NGOs

We receive via email and publish this call about the Eritreans citizens captured in Sinai, Egypt.

Peacekeepers release a "freedom day present" – Zuma

The release of four South Africans abducted in the Sudan, was the “best Freedom Day present for the country”, President Jacob Zuma said on Tuesday. This was after the four, who were kidnapped while on a United Nations -African Union Mission in Darfur (Unamid), were released on Monday. “They are shaken but are in good […]

Freedom day celebrations kick off in Pretoria

Freedom Day celebrations kicked off in the capital on Tuesday, with an address expected from President Jacob Zuma shortly. Thousands gathered at the Union Buildings as the country commemorated 16 years since the first democratic election on April 27,1994. Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane opened the celebrations calling on South Africans to make 2010 a year […]

President Zuma breaks Aids taboo

President Jacob Zuma revealed his HIV status on Sunday as he launched a scaled-up counselling and testing campaign. “After careful consideration, I have decided to share my test results with South Africans,” said Zuma, who said he had tested negative recently. “The purpose is to promote openness and to eradicate the silence and stigma that […]

Zuma concludes Namibian working visit

President Jacob Zuma on Thursday ended his two-day working visit to Namibia, the Presidency said. He attended the Southern African Customs Union (Sacu) conference in the country’s capital city Windhoek. Sacu was established in 1910 as a customs union agreement between South Africa and the high commission territories of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. “The conference […]

Sudan wasn't ready for elections – Motlanthe

Image via Wikipedia Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe has lamented the kidnapping of four South African peacekeepers in the volatile Sudan, saying the country’s instability is of great concern. Motlanthe, on a visit to Tunisia this week, also said last week’s elections in Sudan had taken place at an “inopportune” time – conditions on the ground […]

South Africa: deputy president intensifies anti-poverty drive

Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe has visited several homes during his door-to-door campaign in Lubala village at Lusikisiki in the Pondoland region of the Eastern Cape on Saturday. Motlanthe is on a mission to verify the success of the government’s anti-poverty pilot project in this area. He and Eastern Cape Premier Noxolo Kiviet together with members […]