Kenya:women speaks against extra judicial killings

A group of Kenyan woman activists have stepped up their campaign to have the extra judicial killings of their male relatives openly acknowledged.

Nigeria: EU to observe April elections in Nigeria

The European Union is deploying an Election Observation Mission (EOM) to Nigeria for the April 2011 elections, scheduled to take place over a period of three weeks, including National Assembly (April 2nd), Presidential (April 9th) and State House/Governor elections (April 16th).

Libya: IOM steps up humanitarian assistance

With about 5,000 migrants including women and children still stranded at Salum, on the Libyan-Egyptian border living in difficult conditions, IOM is stepping up the humanitarian assistance it is providing.

Libya: SAS members 'arrested near Benghazi'

Details of a UK operation to rebel-held Benghazi in Libya in which eight men – six reportedly SAS – were arrested, have been disclosed to the BBC. Defence Secretary Liam Fox said a small diplomatic team was in Benghazi and “they were in touch with them”. The BBC’s Jon Leyne said witnesses saw six men […]

Son of Equatorial Guinea’s dictator plans one of world’s most expensive yachts

Global Witness has learned that Teodorin Obiang, the notorious son of Equatorial Guinea’s long-ruling dictator, commissioned plans to build a superyacht worth $380 million – almost three times more than his energy-rich country spends annually on health and education programs combined [1]. This news comes amid an increasingly heated debate about how Middle Eastern dictators and their family members have enjoyed luxury lifestyles, as well as stashing their assets in foreign countries.

Libya: WFP calls for global solidarity

Josette Sheeran, Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP) headed, on Tuesday, to the Ras Jedir border zone to enquire about conditions of refugees who flock by thousands from the Libyan territory.

Libya: UN Security Council approves sanctions

The UN Security Council has voted unanimously to impose sanctions on Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan regime for its attempts to put down an uprising. They backed an arms embargo and asset freeze while referring Col Gaddafi to the International Criminal Court for alleged crimes against humanity. US President Barack Obama has said the Libyan leader should […]

US imposes sanctions on Gadaffi

World powers struggled to find a way to stop Libyan leader Moammer Gadaffi lashing out at his people as he clings to power in Tripoli, the last big city where an uprising against his rule has yet to take hold.

Libya: UN's Ban Ki-moon seeks 'decisive' action

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged the global body’s Security Council to take “decisive action” over the Libya crisis. He said violations of human rights had been carried out by Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, and more than 1,000 had died. Speaking at a meeting of the Security Council in New York, Mr Ban warned […]

Kenyan ‘Dogs of War’ fighting for Gaddafi

Kenyan mercenaries are among foreign soldiers helping the besieged Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi fight off an uprising. This was confirmed on Thursday by Col Gaddafi’s former Chief of Protocol Nouri Al Misrahi in an interview with the Al Jazeera broadcasting network. Mr Misrahi was detailing how Gaddafi had resorted to using mercenaries against his own […]