Libyan journalist killed; Al-Jazeera crew arrested

A Libyan journalist who ran a webcast program showing the aftermath of government attacks and commentary on the uprising against Moammar Gadhafi was killed in Saturday’s government assault on the rebel capital in the country’s east. The report by Nigerian website

Libya: lives tv footage from Libya Alhurra

Live TV footage from Libya Alhurra by journalist Mohammed al-Nabbous.

Extremely heavy gunfire in

We have just been on the phone with a contact in Tripoli where we were told that there is extremely heavy gunfire.

Libya: injured child in Benghazi yesterday

This is a video about an injured child in Benghazi yesterday (19 March 2011).

Libya: Gaddafi thugs kills 1, injures 2

Credible sources reported that Gaddafi thugs have shot 3 people.

Libya: 1 photographer and 2 journalists are missing

Miami-based Getty Images photographer Joe Raedle and two Agence France-Presse journalists have been reported missing in Libya while on assignment in that country covering the current political upheaval, the agency said Sunday.

Libya: report from Misratah

Report from a correspondent in Misratah. Loyal forces to Gaddafi have attacked today the city from East, West and South, reporter Mawan Al Misrati from Misratah said.

'Hell' awaits anyone who attacks Libya

Muammar Gaddafi has threatened to turn into “hell” the lives of anyone who attacks Libya in line with a UN Security Council resolution passed overnight.

Libya: interview with protesters in Geneva has published this video interview with two Libyan protesters in Geneva, Switzerland, in front of the UN building.

Libya: France will open embassy in Benghazi

France will open an embassy in Benghazi. France24 wrote a few minutes ago on its Twitter channel.