Libia: rebels take Ras Lanouf-Afp

AFP correspondents in Ras Lanuf say rebels have retaken the key oil town. Al Jazeera reports that Libya rebel forces have reached the outskirts of Uqayla after taking control of Brega A doctor in Misrata told the BBC overnight the city had suffered one of the strongest attacks since the start of the conflict. “Gaddafi […]

Libya: rebels take Brega

Libyan rebels are advancing westwards after recapturing the strategic eastern town of Ajdabiya from government controls with the help of coalition airstrikes.

Libya: Gaddafi delegation agrees AU roadmap

As forces carried out a seventh day of air and missile strikes Friday against Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi’s forces, a high-level delegation representing Tripoli agreed to implement an AU roadmap to end the crisis.

Photographer John Moore reflects on Libya battles

Photographer John Moore has been assigned to cover the uprising in the Middle East. Here he reflects on the revolution in Egypt, Bahrein and Libya.

West Africa consider more actions on Ivory Coast

West African leaders met on Wednesday for a summit that will consider asking the UN to take further action on Ivory Coast, after their regional bloc previously threatened to use force in the crisis.

Libya: Teenage Rebels in Tubruq-video

Daniel Iriate introduces us to two Libyan teenagers in Tubruq. Muhammad Faiz and Assad Abd Rebbu joined the rebels and describe life under Gaddafi and their hopes for the future. We also meet Muhammad Hadduth, a prisoner under Gaddafi’s regime.

Libya: UN coalition is bombing Sabha

Latest news the war in Libya

Libya: the briefing of Africom commander

General Carter Ham, commander of U.S. Africa Command, provided updates on operations in Libya during a Pentagon briefing March 21, 2011. Speaking via satellite from the U.S. AFRICOM headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, Ham discussed Operation Odyssey Dawn, the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of UN Security Council Resolution 1973.

Libya: new attacks in Tripoli-Reuters

New attacks are registered in Tripoli according to citing Reuters news agency.

Libyan web journalist killed in Benghazi-France24

Mohammed al-Nabbous, a young Libyan journalist who launched an online channel to cover the conflict in his home country, was killed in the attacks that pro-Gaddafi forces carried out in Benghazi Saturday.