MALAWI: UK aid cuts hit health care

BLANTYRE, 2 June 2011 (IRIN) – After several years of fragile gains, Malawi’s healthcare sector is facing major setbacks following a decision by its largest international donor, the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), to freeze its aid to the impoverished nation.

The Future Land and the Niger delta

In the just concluded Terra Futura (Future Land), an international exhibition held (May 20 – 22, 2011) in Florence, Italy within the scope of Renewable Energy, Environmental Protection, Human Rights and a Peaceful Coexistence, different talks and proposals were in abundance.

Sarkozy in Ivory Coast to support Ouattara

A month after the taking by arms of predecessor Laurent Gbagbo, Nicolas Sarkozy comes on Saturday to salute new Ivorian president Alassane Ouattara, as he is now considered a model of these African democrats that France is now willing to support.

Namibia: Aletta Nguvauva Takes the Throne

Aletta Nguvauva yesterday charged that although she has no leadership experience, she is “suitably qualified” to lead the Ovambanderu community.

Uganda anti-gay law has failed

Uganda’s anti-gay law has failed! It looked sure to pass last week, but after 1.6 million petition signatures delivered to Parliament, tens of thousands of phone calls to our own governments, hundreds of media stories about our campaign and a massive global outcry, Ugandan politicians dropped the bill! This is the letter by Ricken Patel of

Lekala is South Africa's first youngest chief

Seven years after becoming the youngest harbour master in the world, Rufus Lekala of South African port landlord Transnet National Ports Authority will again make history when he takes up office as the country’s first Chief Harbour Master of colour. His appointment, effective 1 June, will also make him the youngest person in this position worldwide.

Wall za Hood-latest video by Katy Fentress

Wall za Hood (the Walls of the Hood in Swahili) is the story of a mural in a notorious Kenyan slum. By Katy Fentress.

Egypt: sectarian violence in Cairo-AlJazeera

This is a video from AlJazeera English about the sectarian violence in Cairo.

Libya: first press conference contact group-videos

In this post all the videos of the first press conference of the contact group held last 5 May 2011 in Rome.

Libya: 2nd press conference contact group-video

Videos of the second press conference of the contact group on Libya that was held in Rome the 5th of May 2011.