Russian photographer depicts war torn Libya

Thousands of lost lives. Scores of ruined houses, hospitals, schools. Dozens of paralyzed enterprises and power stations.

Somalia food aid being sold in markets

– The United Nations says international food aid to drought-stricken Somalia has been stolen and sold in markets in the country.

Somalia´s president visits troops in Mogadishu

Somalia’s president has visited African Union and government troops in Mogadishu. The visit comes a day after they captured three strategic locations from al-Qaida-linked rebels.

South Africa: 3 are 1st black female marine pilots

Three Durban women have made history by becoming Africa’s first black, female marine pilots to obtain an open licence that enables them to navigate ships of any size and type into South African waters.

Journalist vanishes after meeting security officer

Kampala — The Ugandan government should immediately release or bring to court Augustine Okello, a journalist from Lira-based Radio Rhino, who was forcibly disappeared on July 12, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today.

Nigeria: bomb rocks troubled northeastern city

Several people were wounded in a bomb blast in Maiduguri on Saturday, a city in remote northeastern Nigeria which has been plagued by almost daily attacks from a radical Islamist sect.

AfDB and WWF for African environment

AfDB and WWF Team up to Protect African Environment The African Development Bank (AfDB) and global conservation group WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) have come together to work closely on green economy and development issues in Africa. Both organisations signed a cooperative agreement to this effect in Geneva on 20 July. The heads of […]

Libya: Russia opposes TNC recognition

Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov has said that Moscow remains opposed to recognizing the Transitional National Council (TNC) as the only legitimate representative of the Libyan people.

Ban Ki-moon message on Mandela day

Everybody remembers – and, indeed, needs – an inspirational figure who has played a signal role in their lives. Nelson Mandela has been that role model for countless people around the world.

Gabon troops to be backbone of French forces

By: fela olugbogi French Prime Minister Francois Fillon told his country’s troops in Gabon on Sunday that they will form the backbone of Paris’ forces in its former colonies in west Africa.