Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission' This video report by RT correspondent in London says that behind the war in libya there could be the plan of Mr Gaddafi to launch a single African currency linked to gold and not to any currency like the US dollar. Something that Camerounian professor, Jean-Paul Pougala, wrote here on a few months […]

Rebel fighters make ground in western Libya

Three weeks ago anti-Gaddafi fighters dropped down from the Nafusa mountains in western Libya pushing back Gaddafi fighters from the plains below.

Judges set rule on Gaddafi arrest warrant

The International Criminal Court is deliberating whether to issue an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Tripoli is not under siege – reporter Madsen Last 25 of June reporter Wayne Madsen spoke on ‘Eyewitness Libya’ Fact-Finding Trip. He said that there are so many lies about this war in Libya.

Libya: the point of view of MSF

“Month in Focus showcases some of MSF’s work around the world. In June we are in Misrata, Libya, where an MSF team is supporting two hospitals”, MSF writes in its Vimeo page.

Libya: latest eyewitness and international media Wayne Madsen tells on RT what he saw in Tripoli.

Libya : Tripoli Demonstration pro Kadhafi Demonstration in Tripoli pro Kadhafi and against nato’s agression’s.

NATO is getting more and more Desperate-PressTV

Jim Brann of the Stop the War Coalition speaks on Press TV about the desperate mode of NATO in Libya. He talks of a representitive of Uganda who spoke about the illegality of NATO’s war against the Libyans who oppose the NATO-Rebel Alliance. How the African Union is treated as if they don’t exist, the […]

Libya: rebels are power-hungry terrorists-refugees Video report by Russia Today about what Libyan refugees say about the rebels fighting Gaddafi’s regime.

Libya campaign has cost UK-£260,000,000 Defence Secretary Liam Fox revealed the expenditure after increasing speculation over the exact burden being placed on British taxpayers by the action.