South Sudan celebration in Juba city

This is a video from the BBC covering live the ceremony for the birth of the newest nation in Africa and on Earth: South Sudan.

Libyan Women Training to Fight in Libya CNN report about Libyan women being trained to combat to defend Libya.

War and prayer in Libya

July 8 – Rebels battle on the front lines as they hope to advance towards Tripoli, with the focus on Friday prayers in rebel-held Benghazi.

Libya: interview with Rasmussen

Interview with Secretary-General of Nato, Rasmussen, held the 8 July 2011 in Naples.

Libya: anti-Nato rally in Sabha

Libya: ANTI-NATO rally now also Sabha – Huge pro-Gaddafi demonstration against the war crimes of NATO in Sabha, the capital of southern Libya.

Libya: Anti-Gaddafi's protest in Benghazi   Video by AlJazeera arabic about an alleged demonstration pro revolution against the Gaddafi’s regime.

Libya : a case of tyranny of good intentions?

This is a long video about Americans arguing that the war in Libya is illegal.

Libya, Our Revolution, My Story. By Saleh Bruisier “I am sure that every person in Libya has a story to tell regarding his or her experience during the Libyan Revolution. This is mine.” By Saleh M. Buisier

Hands off Libya-protest at the White House July 9 A video against war in Libya calling for a protest to be held in front of the White House the 9 of July.

Bombing must go on?!'Human cost too high in Libya'

Russia’s Foreign Minister has slammed NATO for its “cynical actions” in Libya in an interview with Russian TV. Sergey Lavrov said that the Alliance’s tactic of bombing the country until Colonel Gaddafi steps down has inflicted too many unjustified civilian deaths. RT’s Peter Oliver has been following what Lavrov had to say.