"Nato, you lost in Libya" – Ibrahim

http://youtu.be/uf6C4GdrPMA This is the video of a short moment of Moussa Ibrahim’s speech.

Qatar sending munitions to Benghazi

Trucks apparently carrying military aid found amid medical and other supplies on a Qatari flight to Libya.

Libya: Nato accused of hideous crimes

http://youtu.be/sUG7WimINUY Video report of RT about allegedly crimes committed by Nato who seems to have killed black people. RT interviews a journalist covering the war on Libya.

France says Gaddafi may stay in Libya

The extended fighting in Libya has brought a French proposal that leader Muammar Gaddafi be allowed to stay in the country.

Libya: Interview with the blogger "Leonorenlibia"

For the last 5 or 6 years Leanor has visited Libya 5 or 6 times a year, she was there 3 weeks ago – and is in constant touch by telephone – this is not the news we get on our propaganda news channels. Leanor’s Blog is at http://leonorenlibia.blogspot.com

The role of Wikileaks in the Arab revolutions

In one of his first public events since being held under house arrest, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appeared in London Saturday for a conversation with Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, moderated by Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman. They discuss the impact of WikiLeaks on world politics, the release of the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs, and Cablegate […]

Libya: protest against war in Washington DC, USA

Libya/USA/Washington DC: Protest against the bombing of Libya.

Libya: update Monday 18 July 2011

Libya: UPDATE, Evening in BREGA, 18th July 2011, Just Libyans, sunset.

“We’ll defend Brega until death” – Moussa Ibrahim

In an interview which we cannot verify, Moussa Ibrahim says that the Libyan regime will defend Brega until the death of the last attacker.

Dismantling mines by Libyan FFs in Brega

http://youtu.be/u0scYhS1q8g Dismantling mines by Libyan FFs around city of Brega.