Somalia Interviews on water dam – July 29 2011 Interviews on water dam in Somalia

Vaccination campaign in Kenya refugee camps Aid agencies vaccinate against polio and measles in Kenya’s Dadaab area where hundreds of thousands of refugees have settled after fleeing devastating drought and warfare in Somalia.

Rain adds misery to drought in Africa Displaced victims of drought in Somalia have taken shelter after torrential downpours.

Famine, Figthing, Ramadan – Al-Shabaab may attack

Somali militant group Al-Shabaab has begun a Ramadan offensive, threatening the country’s famine-hit population. CNN’s Nima Elbaghir reports.

Somalia Famine Environment

Some environmentalists believe human activity may be at least partially to blame for the extreme drought now faced by Somalia. Environmental activists have long charged that greenhouse gas emissions are creating a harsher global climate and more severe weather patterns, causing devastating floods in one place and even drier conditions in another. VOA’s Rebecca Ward […]

'Rogue troops' captured in Libyan rebel stronghold

Fighting has raged in the suburbs of Libya’s rebel stronghold of Benghzai involving government forces.

Libya: Michel Collon documentary about Nato's war This is a video documentary about the so called humanitarian bombardment by Nato in Libya. by michel collon –

Some informations about Gaddafi – video doc This is a video documentary about who is Muammar Gaddafi and what he did before the invasion of Libya by western powers under Nato.

Free Libya podcast: reconciliation

Special Perspective Series – Topic: RECONCILIATION – As victory nears for the opposition freedom fighters, we began the conversation on what it means to become a whole country, repairing relationships with ‘the other side’. Libyan artist Ibn Thabit gives his take on what reconciliation means to him, followed by a Tripoli woman still under the […]

British workers for libyan people We can’t verify this video we found on YouTube, although we think that what this video communicates is very interesting. Therefore we share it. More videos below.