Exposed: MI6 spies paved rebel path to Tripoli battlefront

British intelligence has reportedly played a key role in the latest push on Tripoli by rebels.

Libya: journalist threatened by allies Steve Watson – – Aug 22, 2011 Video: Global Research journalist Mahdi Nazemroaya says he fears for his life and is being threatened for “not going by what NATO is presenting” as news out of Libya. He says he believes that some of the journalists covering events are “not real journalists”, but are […]

Crises in post-Gaddafi era Video report about what’s next in Libya after Gaddafi by Foxnews.

Rebels, civilians loot Gadhafi compound CNN’s Sara Sidner reports from inside Moammar Gadhafi’s compound where people are looting heavy duty artillery.

Western journalism at work in Tripoli Video report from Libya by SkyNews.

Closer look at Gadhafi's compound CNN’s Jim Clancy takes a closer look at Moammar Gadhafi’s compound after rebels stormed the building.

Rebel Fighter Bags Gaddafi's Hat

One of the rebel fighters managed to get some of the Gaddafi’s most prized possessions.

Rebels inside Gaddafi compound Libyan rebels are inside Colonel Gaddafi’s Tripoli compound following a fierce fight.

Libya conflict: rebels fight their way into Col Gaddafi's compound

Triumphant rebels seized Muammar Gaddafi’s compound after a fierce battle with a loyalist rearguard but there was no word on the fate of the Libyan leader who vowed again to fight “to the end”.

SABC3, 7pm, 23 August 2011 This is the news report of SABC (South Africa Broadcasting Corporation) with the opening of the successes of the rebels in Libya.