Rapper set to release R250,000 shock video

We receive and publish this media release (dated 15 december 2010) about an African hiphop music artist based in South Africa called Motso.

Melka AMANY from Congo wins Afro Pepites Mixed

We receive and publish this communication from the Afro Pepites team. Artist Melka AMANY from Congo has won the Afro Pepites Mixed award followed by Mudibu from Burundi and Mamy WATA from central Africa.

Rapper sHaHin eL عabkary wins Afro Pepites Show

Rapper sHaHin eL عabkary from Egypt wins Afro Pepites Show. Mosaïca from Morocco is second while ALIMA & LONE KENT from Algeria is third.

JuJuCRACY wins Afro Pepites for Central Africa

Trip-hop artist JuJuCRACY from Yaoundé, Cameroon, wins Afro Pepites show for Central Africa.

Terrakota wins Afros Pepites show

Musician Terrakota is the winner of the Afros Pepites category of the Afro Pepites show.

Raiding Africa-Rotterdam next 2nd February

Seven young talents of African cinema will go and discover China. This is the idea of the Rotterdam International Film Festival in collaboration with other film festivals. “Raiding Africa has the aim of continuing to stimulate the exchange between cultures”, as written in an e-mail we received.

Hampate Sahel Blues wins Afro Pepites Show

Hampate Sahel Blues won today the Afro Pepites Show for Western Africa.

Perspectives on the Congo river

The exhibition of photographer Kris Pannecoucke will start in Bruxelles the 25 January 2011 and will end the 13 March 2011.

Artist Issa BAGAYOGO wins Afro Pepites Show

Artist Issa BAGAYOGO wins Afro Pepites Show. This is the press release of the organisation.

Oil and Governance-London, 2nd February

The Gulf of Guinea supplies fifteen per cent of America’s oil and has recently experienced an immense inflow of investment. But why are American, European, and Asian oil companies enthusiastically committing tens of billions of dollars of long-term investment to the Gulf of Guinea’s failing states, which are characterized by ruthless elites, recurrent warfare, and some of the world’s most detrimental development practices?