"Let my skin be buried in Africa", writer Abdu

“I don’t want to be buried in this Italy so full of racism”. These are the words of writer Hamid Barole Abdu. Last Sunday 24 August he performed the theatre show he wrote with journalist Daniele Barbieri “le scimmie verdi” (green monkeys). The show was part of the threee days itinerant exhibition “Persone” (People) managed […]

Kenya: Wildebeest in Masai Mara

Tourists from all over the world will be flocking Kenya’s Masai Mara for the next three months to watch the seventh wonder of the world – Migration of thousands of wildebeest from Serengeti in Tanzania to Masai Mara Game park The migration of these wild animals is a great attraction every year to thousands of […]

Zimbabwe "a cappella" group on stage in Italy

Insingizi, a Zimbabwean “a cappella” group, brought the little city of Magliano alive with their gumboots dance and their marvellous harmonies. They sing without instrumental accompaniment.

South Africa: awards winners at the Durban International Film festival

The Durban international film festival ended the 3rd of August with an important success as a movie festival. This year was the 29th edition and it lasted for 12 days. Open seminars and workshops also registered good attendance, indicating the heightened interest in filmmaking processes in KwaZulu-Natal. A selection of festival films were honoured on […]

Events: Mory Kanté in L'Aquila, Italy

Singer Mory Kanté from Guinea will perform in L’Aquila (Italy), in Piazza Duomo, on the 26 of August starting from 10pm (free entry). The concert is part of a series of events dedicated to Africa and India, called “Perdonanza Celestiniana”. The series of events, concerts and exhibitions will take place in L’Aquila from the 23to […]

Senegal: Ndoye Douts artworks

Mohamadou NDOYE, alias «NDOYE DOUTS», is a “plastic” artist as he defines himself. He was born in Dakar, Senegal, in 1973. Since 2000 he works both in his home country and in Europe, particularly in France, Italy and Spain.

Kenya: Nafsi Afrika Akrobats in Italy

Kenya’s Nafsi Afrika Akrobats will perform in Italy north region of Piemonte in August. “Nafsi – it is written in their website – is the swahili word for “soul”. The group name, Nafsi Afrika, is a cliché meaning we are the soul of Africa and we have Africa deep within our souls.”

Roots festival: third edition ends with Simphiwe Dana

Yesterday night, the 20th of July 2008, the Roots Festival of African music ended in Reggio Calabria, southern Italy. From Friday the 18th until the Sunday the 20th of July, the music exhibition showed worldwide famous artists such as Freshly Ground, Sam Tshabalala and Simphiwe Dana.

Africa shots by photographer Raphaël Blasselle

With a degre in economics and a strong interest for photography, Raphaël Blasselle visited Malawi and Mozambique in 2004. He shot some pictures that you will now find here below this text. Born in France and virtually “adopted” by Rome, Italy, as he said, Blasselle has held expositions in different European countries since 2004. www.raphaelblasselle.eu

Freshly Ground music group on stage in southern Italy

South african group Freshly Ground appeared in concert in Reggio Calabria for what is a three day exhibition, called “Roots“, dedicated to south african artists celebrating the end of the apartheid.