A multicolor film festival in Verona

The 28th edition of the Verona Film Festival, in north Italy, ended the 22nd of November.  Peter Ewanfoh Obehi reports. An army of cultural spectators stormed K2 cinema hall on Friday, 14 November, as the 28th African film festival of Verona flags off with high optimism. By 8:30 pm, it has already started and it […]

Mama Africa mourned by Italians and the world

South African singer Miriam Zenzi Makeba, also known as Mama Africa, died in Castel Volturno, near Naples, Italy, last Sunday the 9th of November. Italians and the world at large mourn and remember the artist, symbol of the civil rights and of the anti apartheid movement in South Africa.

Grinzane for Africa awards three African writers

The first edition of Italian prix “Grinzane for Africa” took place last 23rd and 24th October in Addis Abeba, Ehtiopia. Three African writers have been awarded. The winners are: Ngugi wa Thiong’o from Kenya, Ben Okri from Nigeria and Ondjaki from Angola.

Books: "Sortilegi", Africa seen by two Europeans

“Sortilegi” is the new book of Enzo Barnabà and Serge Latouche, recently published by Bollati Boringhieri. This book is a collection of short stories about the life and experiences of two Europeans in Africa, between Congo and Ivory Coast. This book stress a side of Congo that is slowly disappearing, African traditions fading for an […]

Grinzane for Africa will end the 24 October

Italian literary award Grinzane has launched this year for the first time the “Grinzane for Africa award“. “The first edition of the Premio Grinzane for Africa – it’s written on Grinzane.it – will be held in Addis Abeba from 22 to the 24 October 2008“.

Festival Internazionale: strong African participation

Italian weekly “Internazionale” has organised its festival, as it does every year in Ferrara. The festival which hosted many Africans artists, writers, poets and journalists ended last 5 October. This year Italian-Ethiopian writer Ghermandi took part together with writer Waberi from Gibuti and poet Patel from Kenya.

La Reunion: international film festival

The “Festival international du film d’Afrique et des îles” will be hosted in La Reunion island, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, from tomorrow 4 of October until the 12. The event is dedicated to the best African movies and its diasporas.

Meeting: Rome will remember Abdul Guibre

Bookshop GRIOT will host tomorrow, 19th September, a “marathon of reading” to remember Abdul Guibre. “No aggravation!” is the title of the event that will see the participation of actors, writers and intellectuals. All will remember the young Italian, 19 years old, with origins in Burkina Faso killed in Milan. “No aggravation!”

Meeting: Bologna will remember Abdul Guibre

A bookshop in Bologna will host tomorrow many reading sessions to remember young Italian Abdul Guibre, with origins from Burkina Faso, recently killed in Milan. The “antiracist marathon of reading” in memory of Abdoul Guibre will take place tomorrow, Saturday 20th of September from 11am to 1pm inside Trame bookshop, via Goito 3/c, Bologna.

"Short poetry for Abdul", poet Hamid Barole Abdu

We publish a poem by Eritrean writer and poet Hamid Barole Abdu to remember Abdul Guibre, killed in Milan.