Mali: association sponsor solidarity travel

Association Solidarité Nord-Sud/Mali with Responsible tourism agency is sponsoring tours of Mali. Prices are around 1200 euros per person for 15 days of staying in B&B (Bed and Breakfast). The agency is made by Souleymane Yanogue, president of “Association Solidarité Nord-Sud/Mali”, antropologist and a manager of tourist services in Mali. For more informations:

Festivaletteratura: 3 videos shows Asinitas’s work

The third meeting ended last Sunday 13 September made by Lettera27 foundation, WikiAfrica and the school for refugees Asinitas, has been one of the most ‘political’ events among the three dedicated to Africa in the Literature Festival in Mantua (Italy). Speakers said clearly what are their organisations’ aims and ideas, strengthen by the Italian Constitution, […]

Festivaletteratura: "Africa in schools"

The second event dedicated to African literature in the Mantua event in Italy has just finished. Even though there were fewer people in the hall than this morning for the event “Africans in Europe/Africans of Europe”, there has been a big participation from the public with lots of interesting questions.

Festivaletteratura opens with 'Africans in Europe'

“Africans of Europe / Africans in Europe” is the title of the meeting held this morning in the Episcopal Seminary of Mantua. This event opened the two days organized by Lettera27 foundation and WikiAfrica Literature within the Italian literature event Festivaletteratura 2009. The hall was full and there was a strong participation of the public […]

22-27 September: Cous Cous Fest in Sicily

Will be held September 22 to 27 in San Vito Lo Capo, in the province of Trapani, the Cous Cous Fest now in its twelfth edition. Among the artists who will perform there will be Negrita, Giuliano Palma and Bluebeaters, Bandabardò, Moni Ovadia, Vanessa Galipoli. Following the press release.

Italy meeting: "Knowledges of Africa"

The Foundation Lettera27 participates in Festivaletteratura Saturday 12 and Sunday, September 13th, 2009 at the Episcopal Seminary in Mantua with three meetings on the knowledges of Africa on the Move: language schools, voices to increase content on literature, art, history and news about the African continent, inside Wikipedia, the largest free online encyclopedia.  Who are […]

Africans are promoting peace in Italy

Kenyans in Salento and Nafsi Afrika Acrobats are promoting the Peace Vision Tour in Italy to celebrate cultural diversity “for a common future”. What follows is their press release. As our societies become increasingly multicultural, we need alternative visions of what it means to co-exist, interact, and learn from/in the community. Recently the European society […]

Cultural diversity is the future – Raphael D’abdon

We republish here a list of Africans and migrant authors, writers and artists living in Italy. This post, published on, stress how important african and migrants are to Italian and European literature and arts.

Habari! Travel between Italy and Africa

It is about to start this “Habari! a tragicomic journey from the slums of Nairobi to self-occupied Italy”. This is a laboratory test with lyrics and music (African percussion) by Valentina Acava Mmaka and Peter Kuria Asamba who want to focus on the contradictions of Italy and think about common themes (racism, work, art, poverty, […]

Agamawe: excellent day the 14 of June

Agamawe is an event organised by the Afriaca association of Africans in Italy. Based in Milan, this association managed the event of the 14 June 2009. The event was made of an international football tournament with 6 football teams facing eachother. It surely was one of the rare moment to foster better social and interracial […]