North Africa: Arab bank partnership

“Thanks to the agreement, SACE will use the International Bank to issue bonds to competitive market conditions in 15 countries where the bank operates through its subsidiaries”, Italian website Milano Finanza ( reports. SACE has finalized a partnership agreement with Europe Arab Bank to support the business of Italian firms in the Middle East and […]

America-Africa: summit to boost cooperation – TerraViva

This Saturday and Sunday 26 and 27 September 2009 leaders from Africa and South America will meet in “Isla Margarita, Venezuela, to boost cooperation in a score of areas with potential for greater bi-regional exchange”, IPS TerraViva reports. Africa “has linked up as a region and has sought cooperation collectively, mostly with the European Union, […]

South Africa: Cape Town hotel gets green energy

Vineyard Hotel & Spa’s Conference Centre in Newlands, Cape Town will get Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from GreenX Energy. The Green Power strategy in the hotel’s conference centre is a key component of the overall plan for more sustainable operations and carbon emission reductions at the hotel. 

DR Congo: fury over European-African energy plan

Fury at plan to power EU homes from Congo dam World Bank supports controversial $80bn project Plans to link Europe to what would be the world’s biggest hydroelectric dam project in the volatile Democratic Republic of Congo have sparked fierce controversy. The Grand Inga dam, which has received initial support from the World Bank, would […]

OIL: "We're number one in Africa" – Scaroni (ENI)

”We are the number one in Africa as energy producers, we are the first in Egypt, Tunisia, Congo and we have a major presence in Nigeria, Mozambique and Angola”, Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Italian oil company Eni, said during a meeting in Cortina d’Ampezzo in the north of Italy.

Nigeria: inside story on the new Eko Atlantic city

We publish here a video. It is an inside story about the Eko Atlantic city project. For more information you can visit

2010 Fifa World Cup economic implications

The 2010 Fifa world cup to be held in South Africa has been a topic of discussion during the World Economic Forum held last 10 of June. World leaders discussed the legacy of the 2010 Fifa World Cup stressing that the opportunities of the event will go beyond South Africa, reaching the whole continent.

World Economic Forum on Africa 2009

The World Economic Forum on Africa 2009 took place last 10 of June in Cape Town, South Africa. International leaders discussed the global economic crisis and the major trends affecting the world today.

Nigerian Central Bank: new agenda for new governor

In an interview granted to Financial Times, the new governor of Nigerian central bank, Mallam Lamido Sanusi, set out his plan for the Nigerian banking sector. He was made the governor of Nigerian apex bank early this month, and the appointment triggered a big argument between those who supported the ideas of his predecessor, Chukwuma […]

Angola: country presentation in Rome tomorrow

A ‘country presentation‘ for Angola will take place tomorrow in Rome, at the Foreign office headquarter called ‘Farnesina’. The meeting will start at 10 am. The event is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is the first in a series of “Country Presentations” to promote greater economic interaction between Africans and Italians to […]