Capetown – Italian Ambassador's trophy

ROME, Italy, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ –Young South African sailing enthusiasts squared off in the first edition of the Italian Ambassador’s Trophy, held in the lake of the Simon’s Town naval base, near Capetown, South Africa…

IOM Builds Camp Management Capacity in Namibia

GENEVA, Switzerland, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — IOM this week co-organized a 3-day camp coordination and camp management in emergencies workshop in Windhoek, Namibia.
Participants at the workshop, hosted by IOM and the Offi…

IOM Ramps Up Eastern DRC Crisis Response

GENEVA, Switzerland, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — IOM has received seed funding of USD 55,000 from the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC) to erect emergency shelters for 800 internally displaced people (IDPs) at th…

AfDB and Kenya Sign Multi-Million Dollar Loan Agreement to Finance Hydroelectric Power Project and Enhance Higher Education

NAIROBI, Kenya, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The African Development Bank (AfDB) ( on Thursday signed two loan agreements with the Government of Kenya amounting to millions of dollars to finance a major reg…

Pillay alarmed by Egypt violence and by “major problems” with draft Constitution

GENEVA, Switzerland, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, expressed alarm Friday at the rising tension and recent deaths and injuries during protests related to Egypt’s draft Con…

Leaders warn of diminished enthusiasm in COPs if Doha fails

DOHA, Qatar, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On the eve of the close of the 18th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP18), here in Doha, nobody is talking about possible breakthroughs in any of the …

In Cameroon, journalists given suspended prison terms

NEW YORK, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Monday’s criminal convictions of three Cameroonian journalists who tried to investigate a purported government memo that suggested corruption…

CPJ's new digital campaign demands justice in journalist killings

NEW YORK, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — An average of 30 journalists are murdered each year in direct reprisal for their work, and the perpetrators are almost never brought to justice. To fight impunity in press killings, the C…

Communiqué of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU) at its 345th meeting

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 345th meeting held on 6 December 2012, adopted the following decision on the situation in the Central African…

Foreign Minister Westerwelle on Egypt: differences should be reconciled through dialogue

BERLIN, Germany, December 7, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Concerning the situation in Egypt, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle issued the following statement in Berlin today (6 December):
I am deeply shocked by the news from Cairo. Viole…