UNAMID's Head emphasizes importance of social peace, reconciliation in West Darfur

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, January 27, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On 25 January 2014, the African Union – United Nations Joint Special Representative (JSR) for Darfur, Mohamed Ibn Chambas concluded a two-day visit to El Geneina, West Darfur, where he met with local authorities and participated in the Social Peace Conference organized by the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA).

Addressing the opening ceremony of the three-day conference, which was attended by diverse participants, JSR Chambas underlined the significance of peace and reconciliation amongst all tribes of Darfur. “I would like to reaffirm today UNAMID’s support for social peace and reconciliation initiatives in Darfur, within the scope of our mandate and capacity,” he said.

The head of UNAMID emphasized that signing peace agreements is not enough. He stated that “The real work begins only after that, while putting to practice what we have pledged. Out of war, trust must be rebuilt, both among the different communities that have been in conflict, and among people and their Government institutions.” The JSR noted that such conferences presented a platform for discussing how conflicts started and what would be needed to build trust.

During a meeting with the Governor of West Darfur, Haidar Mohammed Adam Atim, JSR Chambas assured him of the Mission’s commitment and cooperation with the State Government in order to provide better services to the people. He mentioned that time had come to build Darfur and provide infrastructure projects after ten years of war.

Canada Welcomes Recent Progress in Tunisia's Democratic Transition

OTTAWA, Canada, January 27, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today issued the following statement:

“Canada welcomes the progress made in Tunisia’s democratic transition with the adoption today of a new constitution. We look forward to working with the new government and urge the National Constituent Assembly to adopt an electoral law and hold elections as soon as possible.

“Tunisians have demonstrated a strong will to build a new, vibrant, open and democratic Tunisia, and we encourage them to continue down this path.

“The new constitution guarantees women’s equal rights, promotes parity between men and women in elected assemblies and seeks to prevent violence against women.

“In its protection of human rights, Tunisia’s new constitution guarantees freedom of conscience and belief and the free exercise of worship. We are encouraged by the unequivocal language in the new constitution that explicitly bans accusations of apostasy. Tunisians have demonstrated that they will not tolerate the misuse of religion to incite violence.

“We would like to congratulate Tunisia’s outgoing prime minister, Ali Laarayedh, and to wish Tunisia’s new prime minister-designate Mehdi Jomaa well on his important mandate leading to the next elections.

“We encourage all Tunisians to continue to work together to build a free, open and democratic Tunisia.”

FCO Press Release: Foreign Office Minister condemns Egyptian violence

LONDON, United-Kingdom, January 27, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Minister condemns weekend violence in Egypt that left 49 dead

The UK condemned the terrorist attacks in Cairo on 24 January. The Minister for the Middle East Hugh Robertson said:

“The UK condemns the large-scale violence in Cairo and other parts of Egypt on 25 January that has resulted in the deaths of 49 protesters. We call on all sides to act proportionately at all times.

“Egypt’s new constitution sets out a number of fundamental rights for all Egyptians. The interim government should now seek to implement these rights, including by allowing peaceful protest. We welcome President Mansour’s call today for the Prosecutor General to review the cases of all those detained, and where there is no evidence of their involvement in crimes, for them to be released.

“The UK continues to believe that the only sustainable way for Egypt to address its current challenges is through an inclusive political process which allows all Egyptians a voice in the country’s future. The UK stands ready to support the Egyptian people in achieving this.”

Tánaiste Condemns Cairo Bombings

DUBLIN, Ireland, January 24, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Eamon Gilmore T.D., has condemned the series of bomb attacks which took place earlier today in Cairo and which has resulted in at least six deaths and approximately 100 people wounded.

“I condemn unreservedly today’s bombings and all such acts of terrorism. I extend my fullest sympathies, on behalf of the Government and Irish people, to the families of those killed and wounded and to the Egyptian people. Such acts are utterly reprehensible and serve only to deepen divisions within Egyptian society.”

“On the eve of the third anniversary of Egypt’s democratic revolution, I would call on all Egyptians to renew the spirit of national unity which inspired the peaceful protests of January 2011. It is vital that all Egyptians, at this critical time, should work together to promote reconciliation, dialogue and inclusiveness within their country in order to help further Egypt’s transition towards full democracy and build upon last week’s adoption of a new Constitution.”

UN Special Rapporteur's visit to Mauritania postponed

GENEVA, Switzerland, January 24, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A follow-up mission to Mauritania by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, its causes and consequences, Gulnara Shahinian, has been cancelled …

Statement by the Press Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, on the Presidential Election in the Republic of Madagascar

TOKYO, Japan, January 24, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — 1. A new President was elected after the presidential elections in the Republic of Madagascar in a format that reflected the consensus of its citizens. Japan expresses its respect to …

The 24th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the AU officially opens on Monday 27 January 2014

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, January 24, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The 24th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the AU officially opens on Monday 27 January 2014

WHAT: 24th Ordinary Session of the Executive C…


PORT-LOUIS, Mauritius, January 24, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On 27 January at La Plantation Hotel in Balaclava, the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) will celebrate the renewal of their partnership under the EU-funded Programme to Promote Regional Maritime Security in the Eastern and Southern Africa – Indian Ocean region, better known under its acronym MASE.

The EU and UNODC have agreed to take the opportunity of an important training session in Mauritius to celebrate the renewal of their partnership under the Programme to Promote Regional Maritime Security (MASE programme) in the presence of officials from the Government of Mauritius and criminal justice agencies, as well as representatives from the Indian Ocean Commission. Mr Guy Samzun, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Mauritius and Mr. Robert McLaughlin, senior legal advisor and counter-piracy expert representing UNODC will deliver statements on this occasion.

UNODC Maritime Crime Programme is dedicated to supporting States in the East African and Indian Ocean regions to combat maritime crime, with a focus on capacity building and criminal justice development. As part of the overarching MASE programme, the EU signed an agreement with UNODC in November 2013 to the amount of EUR 5 million to continue supporting States in the Eastern and Southern Africa-Indian Ocean region to develop and strengthen national/regional legal, legislative and infrastructural capability for arrest, transfer, detention and prosecution of pirates. This is a continuation of the ongoing European Union support to the valuable work of UNODC.

Under the EU-UNODC MASE partnership, the EU will provide funding for UNODC to continue its support to combating maritime crime for Eastern and Southern African and Indian Ocean States, including Mauritius. This support takes many forms and includes training of Judges, lawyers, police and prison staff; provision of new equipment; legislative support; infrastructural development, mentoring and support to maritime crime prosecutions. Such assistance is contingent upon the cooperation of national partners. The EU and UNODC have enjoyed an excellent working relationship with national criminal justice agencies in Mauritius and see this as a key component of the success of the new partnership under the MASE programme.

The implementation of the MASE programme requires regional ownership and responsibility, solidarity and intra-regional burden-sharing, effective communication and information-sharing mechanisms as well as collaboration with other implementing partners with expertise and experience. Therefore, the MASE programme will be implemented under the leadership of the Regional Organisations of the Eastern and Southern Africa – Indian Ocean in collaboration with other implementing partners including UNODC and INTERPOL. The new partnership between the EU and UNODC will be implemented under the framework of Result 2 of the MASE programme “Development and strengthening of national and regional legal, legislative and infrastructural capabilities” which is led by the East African Community.


The European Union (EU) is stepping up its support to fight maritime crime in the Indian Ocean. Piracy, drugs and arms smuggling, human trafficking, illegal fishing and maritime pollution are serious threats that can undermine peace and stability and which increase the cost of doing business. In 2013, the EU launched the MASE programme, a new and crucial programme to combat maritime crime and promote maritime security in the Eastern and Southern Africa-Indian Ocean region. The MASE programme will provide support to reduce and prosecute maritime crimes in line with the Regional Strategy against Piracy and for Promoting Maritime Security adopted in October 2010 in Mauritius during the 2nd High Level Regional Ministerial Conference on Maritime Piracy It will thus secure trade routes in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Region. The MASE Programme, which amounts to a total of EUR 37.5 million from the 10th European Development Fund, will be implemented over five years under the leadership of four Regional Organisations, namely IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority for Development), COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), EAC (East African Community) and IOC (Indian Ocean Commission).

Under the EU – UNODC partnership, UNODC will be responsible for working to strengthen the ‘maritime criminal justice system’ in Eastern and Southern Africa and

Indian Ocean states such as Mauritius. This is achieved through training, capacity building, and support to maritime crime prosecutions. Maritime crimes include piracy, trafficking of human beings, and smuggling of drug and weapons. Once suspects are arrested for maritime crimes, trials can be extremely difficult to conclude. This is because suspects and witnesses are often from countries other than the one in which the trial takes place, due to the international nature of maritime activities. UNODC works hand in hand with national governments to overcome these challenges and bring criminals to justice. In doing so, it provides assistance to the core national criminal justice institutions; assistance which is not limited to maritime security but has wider-ranging benefits.

In addition to the MASE partnership, the UNODC Maritime Crime Programme is also engaged in capacity building activities in Somalia, with a view to strengthening Somalia’s own ability to combat and ultimately prosecute maritime crime, particularly piracy. A core component of Maritime Crime Programme’s work is providing for prisoners that have been convicted for piracy in courts across the East African / Indian Ocean region to be transferred to prisons in Somalia where they can complete their sentences in their home country. UNODC is involved in the construction, maintenance and monitoring of these prisons to ensure that detainees are kept in secure and humane detention conditions.

In addition to the MASE programme, the European Union has a number of

programmes in support maritime security. Complementary to the work that UNODC undertakes, the EUCAP Nestor operation also has a mandate to support capacity development in national criminal justice systems. The combined actions of many countries and agencies in securing the Indian Ocean have proved effective in addressing piracy.

The programme complements a number of other EU actions including the two other missions of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy in the region, the

European Union Naval Force Somalia – Operation Atlanta, a naval operation that provides more direct support to secure safety on the high seas, and the EU military Training Mission (EUTM) for Somalia.


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, January 24, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A campaign for the universal ratification and reporting on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC)

Addis Ababa, 23 January, 2014. – Alongside the 22nd AU Summit (21 – 31 January, 2014), on 29 January, the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) is launching the Campaign for the Universal Ratification of and Reporting on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC). The campaign marks the 25th Anniversary of the adoption of the ACRWC on 11 July 1990. The campaign aims at securing a universal ratification of and reporting on the implementation of the ACRWC.

Presently the number of ratification stands at 47 out of 54 AU Member States. The remaining seven countries which are yet to ratify the ACRWC are: Central Africa Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Federal Republic of Somalia, Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe, Republic of South Sudan, and Tunisia. Similarly, only 20 out of 47 state parties have complied duly to their obligations to submit initial reports to the committee as stipulated in Article 43 of the ACRWC, among which only two, Burkina Faso and Kenya, have submitted their periodical reports.

For the committee to effectively undertake its mandate, all African countries are expected to ratify the charter and report on its implementation accordingly. Upon ratification the state parties have the obligation to protect, promote and fulfill the rights enshrined under the ACRWC. State parties to the charter are also obliged to recognize the rights, freedoms and duties enshrined in the ACRWC and shall undertake to the necessary steps to adopt such legislative or other measures as may be necessary to give effect to the provisions of this charter. States parties to the ACRWC are required to report on the implementation of the provisions so the reporting mechanism is a means of monitoring compliance of the state with its child rights obligations.

The campaign is planned to be conducted within a two-year period culminating on 29 November, 2015, with a series of activities and outreach events across the continent. The campaign, inter alia, aims at achieving universal ratification and respect for states parties’ fulfillment of their reporting obligations by 2015 and increasing the visibility of the ACRWC and its monitoring body. It also promotes the effective implementation of the ACRWC and advocates for the withdrawal of reservations.

A press conference will be held on 29 January, 2014 at 10:30 in the Briefing Room 1 of the African Union headquarters.

Media are invited to attend this event.

Uganda Supports US Airlift Missions

ENTEBBE, Uganda, January 24, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — As U.S. airlift missions operating at the request of the French government and African Union authorities continue, Uganda maintains their role as a key U.S. strategic partner.

In just two months, the Ugandans allowed the U.S. military to stage at least three essential missions out of Entebbe.

“The Ugandans have been invaluable,” Col. William Wyatt, Office of Security Cooperation Uganda chief said. “Both the Civil aviation authority and Ugandan People’s Defense Force have been instrumental in helping us stage important missions out of Entebbe.”

Most recently, the U.S. Air Force has been staging two C-17 Globemaster III aircraft out of Uganda to provide airlift support to a Rwandan mechanized battalion. The U.S. military is transporting equipment and soldiers to the Central African Republic in support of the African Union’s effort to confront destabilizing forces and violence.

The ability to stage missions out of Uganda has been vital to mission success.

“Every day we coordinate with the Entebbe Handling Service and they provide us with crew buses and maintenance towing capabilities,” said Maj. Micah Vander Veen Contingency Response Element Commander, and overall mission commander for the Entebbe stage. “They provide us with everything we need around the airfield, including security services.”

The U.S. began the Rwandan airlifting mission January 16, 2014, and is scheduled to continue through the month.

In December of last year, the U.S. staged a Burundi airlift mission out of Uganda in support of the same African Union operation. The duration of the operation was approximately 10 days.

“With the rapid pace of events in East Africa the additional presence of the U.S. military was felt at Entebbe,” said Wyatt. “However the Government of Uganda was very helpful in allowing U.S. forces to conduct these important missions in support of the African Union for the Central African Republic and evacuation of noncombatants from South Sudan.”

The most notable support the Ugandans have shown to the U.S. occurred when three CV-22 Ospreys were forced to divert to Entebbe after being fired upon, wounding four personnel onboard. The aircraft were attempting to land in Bor, to evacuate Americans from South Sudan.

During this diversion the Ugandans were conducting their own noncombatant evacuation operations out of Juba, South Sudan.

“When the U.S. had to emergency land in Entebbe, they were forced to occupy the only area on the airfield with lights,” said Wyatt. “It was difficult for the Ugandans to process their people in the dark.”

The civil aviation authorities and Ugandan’s People Defense Air Force worked closely with U.S. Department of Defense authorities to make this mission and others a success.

Uganda is located in the geographical heart of Africa and it is evident they have played a critical role in past and current operations.

Vander Veen echoed positive sentiments as he spoke about the current airlift operation with the Rwandan soldiers, “Things are going extremely well, and the Ugandans have been strong partners in this operation.”