Foreign Minister Steinmeier phones new Tunisian Prime Minister Jomaâ

BERLIN, Germany, February 3, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — After speaking on the phone to Mehdi Jomaâ, Tunisia’s new Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Steinmeier issued the following statement:

I congratulate Tunisia’s new Prime Minister, Mehdi Jomaâ.

He and his new government bear a great responsibility for taking forward Tunisia’s ambitious reform and modernisation agenda. I wish him all success in this endeavour.

If Tunisia’s political leaders continue to be guided by the spirit of give and take and responsibility towards the nation, I have every confidence in a bright future for the country.

We will stand by our Tunisian partners at this important time in the run up to the elections.

Foreign Minister Steinmeier spoke yesterday evening on the phone to Prime Minister Jomaâ.

The new Tunisian government was sworn in a few days ago following the adoption of a new constitution at the weekend. The new constitution has been hailed all over the world as a milestone for reform in Tunisia.

The task of the new government now is to take the agreed transition plan forward and organise parliamentary and presidential elections.

Tunisia’s so called Jasmine Revolution in 2010/2011 sparked a wave of movements for change across the Arab world.

In February, Bloomberg TV Africa will be broadcasting three separate shows: African Business Weekly, Football Dynamics and African Women To Watch

LONDON, United-Kingdom, February 3, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — In February, Bloomberg TV Africa will be broadcasting three separate shows: African Business Weekly, Football Dynamics and African Women To Watch.


African Business Weekly: Every Saturday and Sunday at 2pm GMT/ 4pm GMT / 7pm GMT:

African Business Weekly brings you the latest business, financial and economic news from across the continent. Anchors Eleni Giokos, Boason Omofaye, and Uche Okoronkwo interview key African figures with the power to make important business decisions.

As well as bringing you our weekly market update and the latest stories impacting Africa, we hear from heads of state, including the Senegalese President Macky Sall who reveals his country’s ambitious growth targets. We also sit down with leading CEOs from the biggest companies across the continent, such as Egypt’s biggest investment bank EFG Hermes.

And every week, Bloomberg TV Africa ( wants to hear from you, with our special interactive Twitter segment and our Question of the Week.

Photo African Business Weekly – Boason Omofaye and Uche Okoronkwo: (African Business Weekly brings you the latest business, financial and economic news from across the continent)

Photo African Business Weekly – Eleni Giokos: (Anchor Eleni Giokos interview key African figures with the power to make important business decisions)

African Women To Watch – Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Special: Every Sunday at 7.30pm GMT throughout February:

In our special edition of African Women To Watch airing throughout February, Uche Okoronkwo takes an in-depth look at the life and career of Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

In 2012, Dr Okonjo-Iweala became the first African candidate nominated for the World Bank Presidency. She is also credited with spearheading the $18 billion debt write-off from Nigeria’s creditors in 2005.

Now serving a second term as Finance Minister, Dr Okonjo-Iweala offers Bloomberg TV Africa unprecedented insight into her life as one of the world’s most influential women. She opens up about her vision for Nigeria, including a crackdown on oil corruption in 2012 and the launch of the country’s first sovereign wealth fund in 2013.

Photo Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala: (In a special edition of African Women To Watch airing throughout February, Uche Okoronkwo takes an in-depth look at the life and career of Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala)

Football Dynamics: Every Saturday and Sunday at 2.30pm GMT/4.30pm GMT/7.30pm GMT:

Each week on Football Dynamics Ayesha Durgahee is joined by former Nigerian international Efan Ekoku to bring us a unique insight into the latest football news. With expert commentary from Dave Farrar and BSports contributor Ben Lyttleton, we preview upcoming matches, the game’s key performers and the latest transfers.

We discuss our ‘African Team of the Week’ and Efan reveals his ‘African Star’, followed by quickfire questions in ‘Ask Efan’.

This is the only show that uses its own data to break down the action, with our unique BSports analytics.

Photo Football Dynamics: (Each week on Football Dynamics Ayesha Durgahee is joined by former Nigerian international Efan Ekoku to bring us a unique insight into the latest football news)

“These shows demonstrate an editorial variety that give our advertisers and sponsors the opportunity to appear in a premium business news environment, currently distributed to over 200 million television households across Europe and Africa”, said Rick Plata, International Commercial Director of Bloomberg TV Africa.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Bloomberg TV Africa.

Media Contact:

Miranda Atty


Follow us on @BloombergTVAfri

SkyVision’s debut showcase of comprehensive solutions for the Mining Industry at the Mining INDABA Exposition

HERTFORDSHIRE, UK, February 3, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — SkyVision Global Networks Ltd. (, a leading global communications solutions provider, today announced the launch of its end to end solutions specifically suited for the mining industry. The solutions will be showcased at the Mining INDABA Conference & Exposition – Booth# 618, taking place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, Feb. 3-6, 2014. These solutions are offered over a wide range of connectivity platforms including: satellite/hybrid networks, portable satellite phones and data terminals, WiFi distribution and wireless connectivity solutions.


Today, as more and more mining industry leaders around the globe realize that reliable connectivity is critical to their business, there is an immediate need to provide efficient and reliable communications for on the field operations, and between remote branch offices. With safety as the industry’s #1 priority, SkyVision realizes that consistent, real-time information flow in routine or emergency situations is the key to ensuring smooth, seamless operations. Complying with industry safety standards and a wide range of solutions for the miner’s welfare are key in this industry, therefore, SkyVision solutions fully comply with these standards.

Mining INDABA is the ideal platform for SkyVision to network and present its solutions into the fast-growing mining industry, particularly in Africa, where the company has a broad customer base and strong local presence. This is the result of a comprehensive network of local partners and representatives, and SkyVision offices in Nigeria, Cameroon, South Africa, Senegal, Guinea, Morocco, Uganda and Burkina Faso, coupled with the company’s hubs and PoPs situated across Africa, providing seamless VSAT and fiber connectivity to customers requiring communications to Africa and within Africa.

“SkyVision has been serving the mining industry in Africa for many years now, and offers solutions that meet the entire life cycle of the mining site.” Comments Ofer Farkash, SkyVision Product Manager. “Our portfolio includes solutions which range from telecommunication solutions suited specifically for small exploration expeditions up to the entire communication requirements of mining sites hosting thousands of miners and contractors involved in diverse operations.” Continued Mr. Farkash

SkyVision recently received Frost & Sullivan’s Market Leadership Award – ICT in Oil and Gas.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of SkyVision Global Networks Ltd.

Media Contact:

Iris Tovim

Marketing Communications Manager


Phone: +44 (20) 8387 1750

Fax: +44 (20) 8387 4004


About SkyVision

SkyVision ( is a global communications service provider, offering comprehensive, integrated solutions to meet all corporate, government and telco market requirements. With an emphasis on its customers’ local or regional requirements, SkyVision offers superior network connectivity solutions. Known for its innovative approach, the company offers an extensive suite of both customized solutions and industry-standard services for end-to-end IP connectivity, managed from its international gateways and selected local hubs. SkyVision’s global-reaching network connects its customers to the Internet backbone with more than ten satellite platforms and a network of high-capacity fiber optic cables, via its gateways in Africa, Europe, North America and the Middle East as well as multiple points of presence (POPs) in Africa. SkyVision currently commands a satellite and fiber network IP connectivity spanning 100 countries. The company’s C-Band and Ku-Band VSAT network solutions draw on SkyVision’s extensive space segment inventory from leading satellite providers and its capacity is carefully tailored to customers’ individual needs for optimal cost-effectiveness. Visit

UN and partners launch new plan to tackle Sahel crisis / Press Conference Rome, Monday, 3 February 2014

ROME, Italy, February 3, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — People in the Sahel region will continue to need substantial humanitarian assistance in 2014 and beyond. Millions are facing food insecurity and malnutrition, amid continued conflict, natural disasters and epidemics. This has greatly weakened the resilience of communities and their capacity to improve their lives in the long-term.

More than 20 million people – roughly one in eight – struggle with food insecurity. As of January 2014, more than 2.5 million people require urgent lifesaving food assistance, and many more may need assistance during the regional lean season starting around mid-May.

UN agencies and humanitarian partners are launching an unprecedented, three-year Strategic Response Plan to bring life-saving assistance to vulnerable families and help break the crisis cycle for years to come. Planned assistance will address a wide range of needs, including reinforcement of early warning and monitoring systems for flooding, epidemics and population movements.

The nine countries to be covered by the plan are: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, the Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, the Niger, Nigeria and Senegal.

What: Press conference – Strategic Response Plan for the Sahel

Who: Valerie Amos, United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator; José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); Romano Prodi, UN Special Envoy on the Sahel; Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response; Amir Abdulla, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, World Food Programme (WFP); Nancy Lindborg, Assistant Administrator for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, USAID; Robert Piper, Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Sahel.

When: Monday, 3 February 2014, at 12:30 CET

Where: FAO Headquarters, Rome, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla: Sheikh Zayed Center, Ground Floor Atrium.

Webcast: The event will be webcast at:

Online questions from journalists:

Accreditation: Accreditation at main entrance to FAO beginning 45 minutes before the event. A valid press card or letter of assignment on company stationery, plus picture ID, required.


NEW YORK, February 3, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Following are UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, at the third meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the region, in Addis Ababa today:

Thank you all for attending this important meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism. I am especially grateful to my co-chair, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma. She and the AU (African Union) Commission have worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Region.

I commend President [Yoweri] Museveni for his eminent leadership during the past two years as Chair of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), especially for his successful mediation efforts during the Kampala Dialogue. I also wish to thank President [José Eduardo] dos Santos for having assumed the Chair of the ICGLR earlier this month. We are already encouraged by the efforts that he is undertaking to promote peace, reconciliation and regional cooperation. I know that the UN Secretary-General and his Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region, Mary Robinson, look forward to working closely with him.

It has been almost a year since you gathered here in Addis Ababa to sign this agreement. I welcome the new signatories, Kenya and Sudan, to the Framework.

Today we have the opportunity to reflect on what was achieved during the last year and to look ahead to future challenges. The conclusion of the Kampala Dialogue after 12 months of challenging negotiations was an important milestone, and again I thank President Museveni for his determined diplomatic efforts. Now the provisions agreed upon in the Dialogue must be urgently implemented. It will be critical to swiftly adopt an amnesty law, launch a comprehensive disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process. M23 (23 March Movement) fighters from the neighbouring countries should also be repatriated.

The military developments on the ground have prompted many members of armed groups, primarily M23, to surrender. The FARDC (Forces armées de la république démocratique du Congo), supported by MONUSCO (United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo), have also begun operations against other armed groups, notably the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) and the Allied Democratic Forces. These are important and positive developments.

At the same time, the answer to instability in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo cannot be purely military. We must pursue a comprehensive strategy that addresses the root causes of the violence. To this end, the effective and sustainable extension of State authority to the areas retaken from armed groups is an urgent priority. Thorough reforms must be carried out in the security sector and other key areas if we are to tackle the causes of instability and conflict.

At the regional level, I invite you, the signatories, to renew your commitment to the Framework and accelerate the implementation of all commitments. In the past, too many agreements were signed but not honoured. The Action Plan’s priority projects contain concrete steps for taking the process forward. We now need a collective effort to promote dialogue and build trust among the leaders of the region.

I commend the work to advance regional economic integration, which is key to long-term peace and prosperity in the Great Lakes region. The joint visit to the region by the UN Secretary-General, the President of the World Bank, the Chair of the AU Commission, the President of the African Development Bank and the EU (European Union) Commissioner for Development, in May of last year, solidly demonstrates the nexus between peace and development.

I welcome the recent launch of the Great Lakes Women’s Platform, just days ago here in Addis Ababa. I commend, as well, Special Envoy Robinson’s plans to host, together with the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, a private sector investment forum later this year. These initiatives hold great promise. These are key aspects of the Framework.

In closing, I am encouraged by the strong and responsible leadership that you have demonstrated, both individually and collectively, since the Framework was signed. Let us continue to stand together so that the Framework can keep its promise of making a lasting difference in the lives of the peoples of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and the region as a whole.

I thank you for your attention.

Troop deployment, equipment focus of Tripartite Meeting on UNAMID

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, February 3, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Concerns over delays in deployment of personnel and equipment to the African Union—United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) were the primary focus of discussion of the seventeenth meeting of the Tripartite Coordination Mechanism on UNAMID. The forum was held on 2 February at the African Union’s headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on the margins of the African Union Summit.

The Tripartite Mechanism, composed of representatives of the Government of Sudan, the African Union and the United Nations, is an instrument aimed at addressing challenges to the effective implementation of the UNAMID mandate.

At the meeting, participants discussed the current deployment of uniformed personnel to UNAMID and associated clearance of contingent owned equipment. It was agreed that the Government would work with the Mission to facilitate the speedy deployment of troops to UNAMID to avoid operational gaps in Darfur.

Other topics of concern included the lack of freedom of movement and the deterioration in the security situation in Darfur during 2013, largely due to tribal conflicts and the serious consequences they have had on the protection of civilians and in the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

The participants welcomed the cooperation between the Government of Sudan and UNAMID at the technical level that lead to the resolution of outstanding issues, such as pending visas, customs clearances and land leasing. “The tripartite meetings at both the high level and the technical level have improved the Mission’s effectiveness in delivering on its mandate. We hope to continue to work closely with the Government and welcome their cooperation in all areas of operations”, said UNAMID Joint Special Representative Mohamed Ibn Chambas.

The delegations were headed by Ambassador Rahamtalla Mohamed Osman, Sudan Undersecretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ambassador Smail Chergui, African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security; and, Mr. Hervé Ladsous, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations; and, Ms. Ameerah Haq, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Field Support.

Sudan: ICRC hopeful to resume activities as soon as possible

GENEVA, Switzerland, February 3, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has suspended its activities in Sudan, in compliance with an official request to that effect from the Sudanese government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission. The suspension began on 1 February 2014.

“In consultation with our main partner the Sudanese Red Crescent Society, we are now in discussions with the relevant authorities, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Humanitarian Aid Commission,” said Jean-Christophe Sandoz, head of the ICRC’s delegation in Sudan. “We are confident that the technical issues cited by the Commission as the reason for this suspension will be quickly settled.”

The ICRC has over 700 staff in Sudan, both locally recruited and expatriate. The organization’s activities in the country in 2013 benefited over 1.5 million people living in areas affected by armed conflict and other violence.

“We remain committed to the people of Sudan”, Mr Sandoz said. “It is therefore our hope that there will soon be an agreement with the authorities allowing a resumption of our work to help those in need.”

The ICRC has been working in Sudan since 1978. In 2003, it extended its operations to Darfur.

Joint Communiqué of the Eighth United Nations – African Union Joint Task Force Meeting on Peace and Security in Africa

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, February 3, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The African Union – United Nations Joint Task Force (AU – UN JTF) on Peace and Security held its eighth consultative meeting at the AU Headquarters, in Addis Ababa, immediately after the 22nd Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government.

The AU Commission and the UN Secretariat were represented respectively, by Commissioner Smail Chergui (Peace and Security) and the Under-Secretaries-General Herve Ladsous (Peacekeeping Operations) and Ameerah Haq (Field Support), as well as by Assistant-Secretary-General Taye-Brook Zerihoun (Political Affairs). They were accompanied by other senior officials from the two organizations.

The JTF reviewed the situations in the Central African Republic (CAR), South Sudan, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia. It welcomed the collaborative efforts of the UN and the AU in those countries, and recognized some of the progress and positive developments achieved in the context of Chapter VIII of the UN Charter.

On the situation in the CAR, the JTF expressed deep concern at continued sectarian violence and grave violations of human rights in the country. The JTF commended the successful deployment of the African-led International Support Mission in the CAR (MISCA) and French forces (Operation Sangaris), which has prevented the situation from degenerating further. The JTF agreed on the need to enhance collaboration between MISCA and the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA). The AU and the UN reaffirmed their collaboration, together with the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), in support of the transition to ensure a quick return to constitutional order. Welcoming the outcome of the Donors Pledging Conference for MISCA, convened by the AU, with the support of the UN, on 1 February 2014, the JTF committed to work jointly to speedily disburse the funds pledged. The JTF reviewed progress in providing technical and expert support to MISCA by the UN Secretariat, in line with Security Council resolution 2127 (2013). The AU and the UN agreed to continue to work together based on their respective mandates and consistent with the provisions of the relevant AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) and Security Council resolutions.

On South Sudan, the JTF recognized that the outbreak of violence was due to political disagreements and emphasized that a lasting solution could only be found through dialogue. In that regard, the AU and the UN would continue to support the mediation led by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and ongoing efforts to establish a mechanism for the monitoring and verification of the cessation of hostilities agreement, signed in Addis Ababa on 23 January 2014. The UN pledged full support to the Commission of Inquiry into human rights violations being established by the AU as an important tool for promoting accountability, reconciliation and healing.

On the situation in eastern DRC, the JTF commended the effective cooperation between the UN and the AU to address this situation. The JTF commended the efforts of the MONUSCO Force Intervention Brigade in defeating the M23 and encouraged it to pursue operations against remaining negative forces. The JTF also welcomed the adoption, by the third meeting of the 11+4 Regional Oversight Mechanism for the Peace, Security and Cooperation (PSC) Framework, held in Addis Ababa, on 31 January 2014, of the Plan of Action for the implementation of the regional commitments made in the PSC Framework, as an important step forward. The JTF agreed to galvanize efforts to maintain momentum in implementing the commitments. In particular, the AU and the UN agreed on the need to enhance economic development and trade, including through the private sector investment forum launched by the UN Special Envoy and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region.

On Somalia, the JTF welcomed the good collaboration between the AU and the UN, including in the context of their Joint Review of the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and Benchmarking Exercise conducted in 2013. It also commended the cooperation between AMISOM and the UN presences in Somalia to address the asymmetrical threat posed by Al Shabaab. The JTF looked forward to the forthcoming high-level AU-UN retreat that will discuss a comprehensive strategy for AU-UN engagement in Somalia. The JTF reviewed areas that are still outstanding in the implementation of Security Council resolution 2124 (2013), including support to the Somali National Army, and stressed the need for their expeditious resolution.

On the African Standby Force (ASF) and the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crisis (ACIRC), the meeting was briefed on ongoing efforts to operationalize these tools. The AU and the UN agreed to continue to work together to strengthen capacities to manage emerging and ongoing conflicts in Africa, including through developing innovative and flexible approaches to ensuring predictable and sustainable funding for African-led peace support operations.

On mediation and in support of electoral processes as tools for conflict prevention, the JTF discussed opportunities for better harmonization of approaches. The JTF adopted recommendations to strengthen the exchange of information between the two organizations and promote joint analyses of conflicts, with a view to enhancing a common understanding of the causes and drivers of conflict. The JTF reaffirmed its commitment to promote Joint Assessment Missions by the two organizations.

The next meeting of the JTF will take place in September 2014, in New York, on the margins of the UN General Assembly.

African Union, Government of Sudan and the United Nations Tripartite Coordination Mechanism on UNAMID: Agreed Outcomes

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, February 3, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — 1. On 2 February 2014, representatives of the African Union (AU), Government of Sudan (GoS), United Nations (UN) and the African Union – United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the seventeenth meeting of the Tripartite Coordination Mechanism on UNAMID.

2. The AU delegation was led by Ambassador Smail Chergui, Commissioner for Peace and Security. The GoS Delegation was led by Ambassador Rahmatalla Mohamed Osman, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The UN delegation was jointly led by Mr. Hervé Ladsous, Under-Secretary General for the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, and Ms. Ameerah Haq, Under-Secretary General for the Department of Field Support. Joint Special Representative Mohamed Ibn Chambas led the UNAMID delegation.

3. In their opening statements, the UN and GoS delegations formally welcomed Ambassador Chergui as the Commissioner for Peace and Security of the AU Commission and extended to him their full support and cooperation in his new functions. All participants recognized the utility of the Tripartite Coordination Mechanism to address challenges to the effective implementation of the UNAMID mandate. In light of the findings of the Strategic Review of UNAMID, now more than ever, the partnership between the Government and UNAMID was deemed critical for UNAMID to contribute fully to the achievement of a stable and peaceful Darfur.

4. Participants discussed the current deployment of uniformed personnel to UNAMID and associated clearance of Contingent Owned Equipment (COE). It was agreed that the GoS would work with UNAMID at the technical level to facilitate the speedy deployment of Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) to UNAMID to avoid operational gaps in Darfur. Participants also recognized that operational capacities of some TCCs and Police contributing countries (PCCs) are a key challenge to the effectiveness of UNAMID mandate implementation, especially with regard to implementing its protection of civilians’ mandate. They welcomed the agreement reached between the GoS and UNAMID at the technical level to address delays in clearances of COE. They reiterated that the export and import of COE, especially highly sensitive items, will be coordinated in advance of deployment, so that troops will not be without their COE at any time. The details of this process will be discussed and agreed at the technical level.

5. In discussion on freedom of movement, the UN and AU expressed their deep concern about the deterioration in the security situation in Darfur during 2013, due to the tribal conflicts and the serious consequences it has had for the protection of civilians and delivery of humanitarian assistance. In order to improve the freedom of movement and in light of the difficulties encountered, the AU and UN urged the GoS to liaise with the local authorities of the five Darfur State to inform them on GoS policies to ensure full freedom of movement for UNAMID.

6. In discussion of the comprehensive review of UNAMID, as called for under United Nations Security Council resolution 2113 (2013), the participants agreed on the need to take advantage of this exercise to enable UNAMID to re-focus on core aspects of its mandate and to capitalize on the progress already made with the GoS through the Tripartite Coordination Mechanism.

7. The participants thanked Amb. Rahmatalla for his active participation in the Tripartite and wish him success in his new posting in New York.

8. At the request of the Government of Sudan the participants agreed that the next meeting will take place in May/June 2014, in Khartoum, Sudan.

For the Government of Sudan For the African Union

Amb. Rahmatalla Mohamed Osman Amb. Smail Chergui

Ag. Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Commissioner for Peace and Security

For the United Nations

Mr. Hervé Ladsous Ms. Ameerah Haq

Under Secretary General Under Secretary General

Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) Department of Field Support (DFS)

‘Agenda 2063 will be a peoples’ document’ says the Commissioner for Economic Affairs

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, February 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — H.E. Dr. Anthony Mothae Maruping, the African Union Commissioner for Economic Affairs briefed the media about the consultative process that is shaping Agenda 2063 framework document towards finalization. He was speaking during a press conference at the AU Head Quarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 31.

The Commissioner while emphasizing the ‘bottom-up’ approach of Agenda 2063 as the feature that distinguishes it from previous developmental frameworks, highlighted the important role member states, stake holders, and more importantly the African People have to play in determining the direction of Agenda 2063 so as to truly take ownership of the developmental framework of the continents next 50 years. The already identified stakeholders are the private sector, African academics, think tanks, planning experts and development specialists, civil society organizations, the Diaspora, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), AU organs and sections of society such as women, youth and the media.

Reporting the outcome of the consultative process in developing Agenda 2063, Commissioner Maruping presented the wish for a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development, the wish for an integrated continent that is politically united and based on the ideals of Pan Africanism, the wish for an Africa of good governance, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law, the wish for a peaceful and secure Africa, the wish for an Africa with a strong cultural identity, values and ethics, the wish for an Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on Women and its youthful composition, and the wish for a strong Africa that is an influential global player and partner as the consolidated aspiration of the continent.

The consultative process involved establishing a technical support team for the continental level discussion on Agenda 2063, providing the forum for participants to share the vision, propose goals, milestones, key drivers, and priority actions, undertaking technical analysis and review of national plans, regional and continental frameworks and the identification of the preliminary indicators and base line information as well as the development of guidelines for national and regional level consultations. Commissioner Maruping announced the plan to submit the final draft Agenda 2063 document to the AU Summit in July 2014 and urged the media to encourage citizens to participate fully in the development of the agenda.