FCO Press Release: Minister for Africa condemns ceasefire violation in South Sudan

LONDON, United-Kingdom, February 19, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Mark Simmonds condemns recent fighting in Malakal as a serious violation of the Cessation of Hostilities.

Commenting on the recent fighting in Malakal, the Minster for Africa Mark Simmonds said:

“I am deeply concerned by the recent fighting in Malakal which has led to a senseless loss of life. It is particularly disturbing that intercommunal fighting in the UNMISS camp has led to the death of civilians who had taken shelter there. Such scenes must not be allowed to re-occur.

“I strongly condemn this serious violation of the Cessation of Hostilities, which is the latest in a series of infringements on both sides. I call on the Government of South Sudan and opposition forces to immediately put down their weapons and abide by the agreement that they have signed. It is essential that they now engage fully with the Joint Technical Committee responsible for the monitoring and verification of the ceasefire, and commit seriously to a fully inclusive political process. The UK will continue to give its full backing to the IGAD negotiations.

“The people of South Sudan continue to pay the highest price in this conflict. It is the responsibility of leaders on both sides to ensure that the violence stops.”

Press statement of the 420th meeting of the PSC on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC)

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, February 19, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 420th meeting held on 18 February 2014, in Addis Ababa, devoted a session to a consultation with the A…

Press Statement issued by the UN Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Sudan, Professor Mashood Adebayo Baderin, at the end of his 4th mission to the Sudan

KHARTOUM, Sudan, February 19, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, and thank you very much for attending this press briefing.

As I conclude my fourth mission to the Sudan from the 11th –19th February 2014, I would like to thank the Government of the Sudan for its continued cooperation with my mandate and for the support extended to facilitate my visit. I also thank the UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator, the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the AU/UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), UN agencies and international organizations in the Sudan, members of the diplomatic community, civil society organisations and leaders of opposition political parties for their engagement and support during my visit.

In September 2013, the Human Rights Council renewed my mandate for another year requesting me to continue my engagement with the Government of the Sudan and urging the Government to continue its cooperation with me, including by giving me access to the entire country, in order to assess and verify the situation of human rights in the country, to determine the technical assistance needs that will further help the Sudan to fulfil its human rights obligations, and to submit a report to the Human Rights Council for its consideration at its twenty-seventh session in September 2014.

This is the first of two missions I plan to undertake to the Sudan in 2014 under my renewed mandate. In the press release I issued before the commencement of this mission, I stated, based on my assessment of the human rights situation in the Sudan last year, that the Government of the Sudan had made progress in developing policies as well as legislative and institutional mechanisms necessary for improving the human rights situation in the country, and that the next stage is for the Government to concentrate on implementing those policies in a result-oriented manner that ensures the realization of human rights throughout the country. To this end, I made some specific recommendations to the Government of the Sudan and other relevant stakeholders in my last report. My two missions to the Sudan this year will be specifically geared at pursuing the implementation of those recommendations towards the realisation of substantial improvement in the human rights situation on the ground in the Sudan.

Within the past 9 days, I have held meetings with different interlocutors in Khartoum, Kadugli in South Kordofan, El-Fasher in North Darfur, El-Daein in East Darfur and Zalingei in Central Darfur. I have collected a lot of information which I am yet to evaluate. My briefing this morning will therefore be a general overview of my preliminary assessment but with references to a number of issues as examples of matters covered with different interlocutors I have engaged with during this visit. I will be submitting a detailed report to the Human Rights Council in September 2014, after my second visit in June.


In Khartoum, I held meetings with the Minister for Justice, the Advisory Council for Human Rights, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Under-Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Minister for Welfare and Social Security, the Ministry for Education, high ranking members of the judiciary, the Head of the Legal Department of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), the General Prosecutor, the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), the Chairperson of the Human Rights Committee of the National Assembly, the National Commission for Human Rights, the Unit on Combating Violence Against Women and Children, and the Family and Child Protection Unit. I have also met leaders of opposition political parties, Civil Society Organisations, the Sudanese Bar Union, UN agencies and members of the diplomatic community. I also visited the Al-Huda Prison and Reformatory Centre outside Khartoum, where I spoke to some of the prison officials, inmates and observed the conditions in the prison.

I had robust discussions with the Government on the general human rights situation in the country, with particular emphasis on the human rights challenges raised in my last report, namely, the curtailment of the activities of civil society organisations, press censorship, arbitrary arrests and detentions, freedom of religion, the 2010 National Security Act, women and children’s rights, humanitarian access, economic, social and cultural rights, the protection of civilians in the conflict areas.

In my last report, I emphasised the need for the Government to focus on addressing these human rights challenges by taking concrete measures, and encouraged continued cooperation of relevant donor countries and international institutions. In our discussions, the Government indicated its commitment to improve the practical realisation of human rights in the Sudan in the areas of the human rights challenges identified in my last report.

I acknowledge the Government’s commitment, openness to constructive dialogue and demonstration of positive political will in all our engagements during this visit. Pending the evaluation of all the information I have gathered during this mission, my preliminary assessment, based on my discussions with the different interlocutors during this visit, is that the general human rights challenges highlighted in my report in September 2013 still remain a matter of concern.

After submitting my report to the Human Rights Council in September 2013, there were oil subsidy demonstrations in the Sudan that resulted in killings, injuries, arrests and detentions, and destruction of property. The international community expects a thorough investigation of the human rights violations that occurred during the September demonstrations. On enquiry, the Government had informed me in December 2013 that it had set up two committees to investigate the September incidents. I regret to note that five months after these incidents, the committees set up by the Government have not yet issued their reports or findings on the incidents. I have highlighted the international concerns about this and urged the Government to accelerate the release of the reports.

I must also make reference to the National Human Rights Commission due to its importance and the international community’s high expectations of it as an independent institution for the promotion and protection of human rights in the Sudan. I commend the continued assistance provided by UNDP to the Commission to enhance its capacity in discharging its mandate. I have advised the Commission to share its recent annual report with the donor community to alleviate concerns about its efficiency and hope that the UNDP will continue its collaboration with the Commission, and I also call for the continued support of the donor community to enable it do so.

In my meetings with leaders of opposition political parties in Khartoum, they emphasised the need for a transparent, inclusive and democratic political and constitutional process that will serve as a strong and lasting foundation for the promotion and protection of human rights in the Sudan.

In my visit to Al-Huda Prison and Reformatory Centre outside Khartoum, I was pleased to note that the facilities were excellent and beyond my expectations. I am informed that this is a model prison and reformatory centre that the Government of the Sudan intends to replicate in other states to replace the old prisons inherited from colonial times. I was informed that similar facilities are intended to be built in the future in Madani, Port Sudan, Al-Fasher and Al-Obeid. I commend the Government of the Sudan for this laudable initiative to improve its prison facilities along the model of Al-Huda.

The role of international agencies in supporting the Sudan’s effort to fulfil its human rights obligations is very important. I would therefore like to commend the commitments of the Minister for Justice and the Minister for Foreign Affairs to look into the matter of some UN staff in the Sudan which I brought to their attention during our discussions to sustain the continued good relations between UN agencies and the Government.

South Kordofan

In Kadugli, I met the Wali and members of the executive of the government of South Kordofan state, the legislative assembly of the state, the chief prosecutor, civil society organisations, UN agencies and international organisations operating in the state. I also met tribal leaders from the greater Kadugli localities. The Wali expressed the need for peace as an important factor for the realisation of human rights in the state. He noted that a large part of South Kordofan state has been relatively stable except for random insurgencies and tribal conflicts around the borders, which continue to cause devastation to human life and property and create civilian displacements.

The state has adopted an initiative on social peace through which members of armed movements who decided to lay down their arms were re-absorbed into their former posts in the civil service of the state. He acknowledged the cooperation of UNDP in working with the state to realise human rights through development initiatives. In pursuance of that effort, the state and UNDP have agreed to work together in the five specific areas of education, health, water, poverty alleviation and Social Peace. I commend this initiative of linking development to human rights, particularly in the rural areas of the Sudan, and hope that it can be effectively sustained and replicated in other parts of the country.

I observe that tribal conflicts and conflicts between government forces and armed movements continue to be a major source of human rights violations in South Kordofan, as well as in the Darfur States visited, particularly in form of civilian displacements. I therefore reiterate the call made in my last report that the Government of the Sudan, the armed movements and the international community intensify efforts towards ending the armed conflicts that lead to human rights violations, and resort to dialogue in settling the armed conflict. While there are no formal IDP camps in South Kordofan, the issue of voluntary returnees is a serious human rights problem, which is being addressed by the state in collaboration with relevant UN agencies and the Humanitarian Aid Commission. The need for a better coordinated and organised returns programme was identified. In my meeting with the tribal leaders, they also emphasised the need to promote peace in South Kordofan, emphasising the use of traditional peace settlement mechanisms and adequate consultation with the tribal leaders as an important factor for success in the peace initiatives.

The problems of unexploded ordnances and the need for adequate demining in conflict areas was emphasised by OCHA officers in the state. Reference was made to the case of two children who had been killed while playing with unexploded ordnance a few days prior to my visit to the state. This need for adequate demining and proper monitoring to prevent the killing of returnees to the conflict areas by unexploded ordnance is an important matter that I have called the attention of the Government of the Sudan to, and will also want to call the attention of relevant UN mine action teams to. The continued lack of formal law enforcement institutions in some of the tribal areas of South Kordofan was also identified as a problem affecting access to formal justice in the area.

North Darfur

In El-Fasher, I met the Wali of North Darfur state and members of his government, the Head of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA), the Special Prosecutor for Darfur crimes, the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission, and the UN team in Darfur. I also had a debriefing meeting on the situation in Darfur with the Joint AU/UN Special Representative and Joint Chief Mediator for Darfur, and Head of UNAMID, to share insights on the human rights and humanitarian situation in Darfur. In the briefing from the UNAMID security team, the security threats from the armed movement groups and their impact on human rights were highlighted. As earlier noted, the issue of armed conflicts generally and its consequent civilian displacement effect were identified as the major factor of human rights violations in the state. The poor conditions in the IDP camps also continue to be of serious human rights concern.

I engaged with the head of the DRA particularly on the application of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD), which I assessed in my last report as the most human rights friendly road map for peace in Darfur. The position of the non-signatory armed movements continue to be an issue in that regard. I commend the effort of the Head of UNAMID in trying to broker a solution that will bring a long-lasting peace to Darfur. Other issues of concern in Darfur brought to my attention include the safety of IDP returnees, protection of civilians in the conflict areas and impunity of some offenders.

The DRA has also initiated a Social Peace Conference aimed at promoting social peace in the most conflict prone areas in Darfur. The Special Prosecutor provided me with an update of its activities and the cases that he has further brought before the Darfur Special Court since my last report. Although it was brought to my attention that one of main challenge was to reach Darfur crime offenders, I however underlined the need for the Special Prosecutor to exert more effort to ensure that the perpetrators of gross violations of human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in Darfur since February 2003 be brought to justice as intended under Article 59 (para 322) of the DDPD. I also highlighted the need to facilitate a team of specialised experts to observe the proceedings of the court in accordance with Article 59 (para 326) of the DDPD. I have urged the rule of law unit of UNAMID to look into the possibility of facilitating this process.

I also visited the office of the Truth, Peace and Reconciliation Commission in El-Fasher, and met with the head of the Commission. I am pleased to note that the Commission has now been fully facilitated by the Government of the Sudan to be able to commence its work. The Commission submitted copies of its revised policy of operation to me, which I will be studying and addressing in detail in my next report to the Human Rights Council.

East Darfur

In El-Daein, I met the Deputy Wali of East Darfur state and members of the government, the Humanitarian Affairs Commission in the state, the Chief Prosecutor, and civil society organisations. The UNAMID team in East Darfur confirmed that there is good cooperation between the government and the UNAMID team in El-Daein. There are problems of IDPs in East Darfur, due to the tribal and other conflicts in the state. There is however a modern model village for returnees with facilities to encourage voluntary returns of IDPs, which has been built with aid from Qatari donors. East Darfur is a new state with very poor development. There is an urgent need to promote economic and social rights in the state to alleviate poverty and enhance the general human rights situation in East Darfur. Many of the civil society groups I met in the state complained about the human rights situation, and that there was no independent human rights office in East Darfur. This relates to the need for the establishment of branch offices of the National Human Rights Commission to facilitate engagement with local human rights organisations at the grass roots level. I have urged the human rights section of UNAMID in El-Daein to enhance its collaboration with local civil society organisations in the state, pending the establishment of the branch office of the National Human Rights Commission in East Darfur. I will be following up on this in my next visit.

Central Darfur

In Zalingei, I met the Wali of Central Darfur state and members of his government, the chief prosecutor, and the speaker of the House of Assembly. I also visited Zalingei prison to inspect the facilities and condition of the prisoners therein. The conditions of the male section of the prison was deplorable. The inmates complained of lack of water and poor sanitary conditions. There were a few apparently under-aged inmates in the prison and there was one inmate who has been awaiting trial for 33 months. There was also a young inmate who was held in shackles inside his cell. The female section of the prison was however well refurbished, with the assistance of aid agencies to a reasonable standard. I urge the government to improve the conditions of the male section of the Zalingei prison along the lines of the Al-Huda prison in Khartoum.

Central Darfur state also suffers from the problem of tribal and other armed conflicts, which continues to affect the human rights of civilians in the state. There are a great number of IDPs and very large IDP camps in this state, some of which are completely controlled by armed movements that do not allow any formal state authority to operate in the camps and are, thus, a potential source of conflict.

The challenges highlighted above will form the basis of identifying the relevant areas of continued technical assistance and capacity building necessary to improve the human rights situation in the country as required under my mandate. In this regard, I urge and encourage the Government to continue to strengthen its effort to improve the situation of human rights in the country to encourage the possibility of attracting the necessary technical assistance and capacity building required as is necessary.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate my commitment of pursuing my mandate in a result-oriented manner to aid the Sudan in fulfilling its human rights obligations. I must also thank all the international partners, and agencies that have been contributing towards the improvement of the situation of human rights in the Sudan and hope that they will continue to do so.

Thank you.

Africa offers great opportunities for SME growth – DHL

CAPE-TOWN, South-Africa, February 19, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ —

• SMEs are clearly the growth engine for Africa

• The key to success for SME’s lies in expanding their business internationally

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2014 is expected to be slightly higher than of that in 2013, at around 6%. This growth, coupled with the more than one billion consumers on the continent who spend $600 billion annually, as well as having the fastest growing middle class in the world, and the significant opportunity that connecting with the world represents, provides African small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with boundless opportunities in 2014.

Logo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/logos/dhl_logo2.jpg

Photo Charles Brewer: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/photos/charles-brewer.jpg (Charles Brewer, Managing Director for DHL Express Sub-Saharan Africa)

This is according to Charles Brewer, MD of DHL Express SSA (http://www.dpdhl.com), who says that SMEs are clearly the growth engine for Africa and the critical driver for sustainable economic growth.

“According to Deloitte, Africa’s middle class has tripled over the last 30 years, and the current trajectory suggests that the African middle class will grow to 1.1 billion in 2060. As African economies are some of the fastest growing in the world, the outlook for the continent is very positive going forward.”

“Manufacturing, on a large scale, is still somewhat embryonic in Africa and as such, there is a definite opportunity for SMEs to fill the gaps which are not being serviced by these large global companies. As important, a growing SME base will create hundreds and thousands of new jobs, which is an absolute must for this ever growing continent.”

Brewer says that other than the usual challenges which SMEs are likely to face in Africa, such as infrastructure challenges, customs regulations and controls, access to finance may be an obstacle going forward. “The Institute of International Finance reported that due to many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa struggling with controlling price pressures, central banks have tended to keep monetary policy fairly tight. Despite this challenge, we expect SMEs to create growth opportunities through increased consumer spending power and expansion into untapped markets.

“The growing internet user penetration in Africa also provides a sizeable opportunity for SMEs, and as Africa continues to adopt e-commerce as a way of life, businesses are able to leverage this online market, while reducing traditional customer acquisition costs. World Wide Worx’s 2012 Internet Matters report reveals that the local e-commerce market is growing at a rate of around 30% a year and shows no signs of slowing down.

The findings of the 2013 National Small Business Survey, conducted by the National Small Business Chamber (NSBC), revealed that the key need expressed by SMEs includes expanding customer base, increasing sales and going global. “Accessing new markets by trading across borders is the key to growth and competitiveness and the key driver for small and medium enterprises in South Africa,” says Mike Anderson, NSBC founder and CEO.

Brewer says that the more an SME can tap into global opportunities and the more it can look into global expansion, the better the chances for growth become. “When it comes to global opportunities the key to success for many SMEs is knowledge. Knowing which markets to target, how to market their product, how to identify customers, how to get paid and critically, how to ship globally. We have 25,000 SMEs who work with us across Africa and every day we work on understanding their needs better and help them to go global.DHL is well-positioned to partnering with African SMEs and helping them to connect with the world – so I ask you, what are you waiting for?” concludes Brewer.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Deutsche Post DHL.

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Megan Collinicos

Head: Advertising & Public Relations, Sub-Saharan Africa

DHL Express

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DHL – The Logistics company for the world

DHL (http://www.dpdhl.com) is the global market leader in the logistics industry and “The Logistics company for the world”. DHL commits its expertise in international express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers. A global network composed of more than 220 countries and territories and about 285,000 employees worldwide offers customers superior service quality and local knowledge to satisfy their supply chain requirements. DHL accepts its social responsibility by supporting environmental protection, disaster management and education.

DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL. The Group generated revenue of more than 55 billion euros in 2012.

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FCO Press Release: Egypt travel advice update

LONDON, United-Kingdom, February 19, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Foreign Office advise against all but essential travel to South Sinai in Egypt except for within the Sharm el Sheikh resort areas.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is now advising against all but essential travel to South Sinai except for the area within the Sharm el Sheikh resort areas. Advice for other areas of the country remains the same including advice against visiting the Governorate of North Sinai.

This advice means that we are now advising against all but essential travel to the Governorates of Beni Suef, Minya, Asyut and Sohag and the Governorate of South Sinai, with the exception of the area within the Sharm el Sheikh perimeter barrier, which includes the airport and the areas of Sharm el Maya, Hadaba, Naama Bay, Sharks Bay and Nabq.

We also continue to advice against all travel to the Govenorate of North Sinai.

We believe there is a high threat from terrorism and terrorists continue to plan attacks. Attacks could be indiscriminate and occur without prior warning. Terrorists could target protestors and the Egyptian authorities. Attacks targeting foreigners cannot be ruled out. Attacks have mainly been aimed at the security forces, their facilities and other government buildings. You should take great care near these buildings.

On 16 February 2014, a tourist bus was attacked in Taba in South Sinai, close to the Israeli border at Eilat. It has been reported that 4 people were killed.

The safety of British Nationals in Egypt is a key concern for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and we keep our travel advice under continuous review based on robust and up-to-date intelligence from our experts in country.

Enhanced security measures are in place to protect the Sharm el Sheikh resort areas. Egyptian military are situated in Sharm el Sheikh international airport, at check points around the perimeter of Sharm el Sheikh and throughout the South Sinai Governorate. Routine security checks are being performed on entry into the airport and the police are carrying out vehicle checks in Sharm el Sheikh. There were no violent protests in the South Sinai resorts during recent disturbances in Egypt.

FCO travel advice now reads:

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to:

• the Governorate of North Sinai due to the significant increase in criminal activity and recent terrorist attacks on police and security forces that have resulted in deaths

The FCO advise against all but essential travel to:

• the Governorates of Beni Suef, Minya, Asyut and Sohag

• the Governorate of South Sinai, with the exception of the area within the Sharm el Sheikh perimeter barrier, which includes the airport and the areas of Sharm el Maya, Hadaba, Naama Bay, Sharks Bay and Nabq.

Enhanced security measures are in place to protect the Sharm el Sheikh resort areas. Egyptian military are situated in Sharm el Sheikh international airport, at check points around the perimeter of Sharm el Sheikh and throughout the South Sinai Governorate. Routine security checks are being performed on entry into the airport and the police are carrying out vehicle checks in Sharm el-Sheikh. There were no violent protests in the South Sinai resorts during recent disturbances in Egypt.

Zambian FA and Zambian clubs sanctioned for breaching transfer regulations

GENEVA, Switzerland, February 19, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — FIFA’s Disciplinary Committee has sanctioned the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) as well as Zambian clubs Zanaco FC, Power Dynamos FC and National Assembly FC for breaches relating to the international transfer of players.

The FAZ has been fined CHF 50,000 for transferring eight players – three professional players and five amateur players – without an International Transfer Certificate (ITC) and outside registration periods. The three professional players were also transferred outside the FIFA TMS International Transfer Matching System (ITMS), the use of which is compulsory for international transfers of professional players. The FAZ, in connection with the transfer of these eight players, was in breach of numerous provisions of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (the “Regulations”), specifically: arts 6, 8 and 9; art. 3.2 par. 1, art. 5.2 par. 2 and art. 8.2 par. 2 of Annexe 3; and art. 4 of Annexe 3a.

Zanaco FC has been fined CHF 20,000 for transferring a professional player without an ITC and outside ITMS, in breach of art. 2 par. 3, art. 3.1 par. 1, art. 8.1 par. 1 and art. 8.2 par. 1 of Annexe 3 of the Regulations.

Meanwhile, Power Dynamos FC and National Assembly FC have both been fined CHF 25,000 for transferring an amateur player without an ITC and outside registration periods, thereby breaching art. 4 of Annexe 3a of the Regulations. In reaching these decisions, the Disciplinary Committee took into account, amongst other information, the failure of both Power Dynamos FC and National Assembly FC to collaborate with the committee in the course of the proceedings.

The web-based ITMS system became mandatory for all international transfers of professional male players within the scope of eleven-a-side football in October 2010.

FIFA TMS, founded as a FIFA subsidiary in 2007, established a compliance programme in 2010 to ensure that all international transfers of professional football players are conducted through ITMS in accordance with the Regulations, and to control the integrity of club behaviour and data in ITMS. Violations of the Regulations, in particular Annexe 3, are identified and investigated by the FIFA TMS Integrity and Compliance Department. Certain cases, where applicable, are then forwarded to the FIFA Disciplinary Committee for decision. The FIFA TMS Integrity & Compliance Department monitors transfer activity using internally-developed market intelligence, external sources and information received from the FIFA Players’ Status & Governance and Disciplinary & Governance departments.

Launch of Kwibuka20- the 20th Commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda 20th February 2014

NAIROBI, Kenya, February 19, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Launch of Kwibuka20- the 20th Commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda

Who The High Commissioner of the Republic of Rwanda Ms. Yam…

The Special Representative for West Africa Said Djinnit confers with the President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita of Mali on the situation in the Sahel and West Africa

DAKAR, Senegal, February 19, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Mr. Said Djinnit, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for West Africa, was received in audience in Koulouba – Bamako today by the President Ibrahim Boubacar Keit…

IOM Assists Returnees Expelled from Tanzania in Burundi and Uganda

GENEVA, Switzerland, February 11, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Six months after the process of expelling “undocumented migrants” started in Tanzania, IOM continues to receive returnees in Burundi, although at a small scale.

In January, IOM received 3,220 expelled migrants, bringing the total number of registered migrants in Burundi to 43,145. Uganda, for its part, is hosting 4,669 expelled migrants in a transit camp.

The majority of the arriving migrants say they have been incarcerated. They believe that more prisoners may be released in March and April, once they have served their time.

IOM’s humanitarian assistance was initiated in quick response to the influx of returnees following a Tanzanian directive in July 2013 stipulating that all migrants in the Kagera region without “valid residential documents” had to leave the country by 11 August 2013, or be forcibly removed by security forces.

But the ongoing response is challenged by a lack of funding. IOM and other agencies, including WFP, UNICEF and FAO, only have money to continue to help the returnees until the end of March.

IOM is providing assistance to expelled Burundian migrants in five transit centers (Mabanda, Bukemba, Ngomante, Kinazi and Gisuru), and in communes of origin or return. The Organization is also in talks with the government to initiate reintegration efforts.

There have also been efforts to improve the registration process and humanitarian conditions in the five transit centers to ensure returnees have access to the same basic standard of living as their compatriots in Burundi.

IOM has provided transportation to 8,122 individuals to their communes of origin. The majority of migrants have been resettled in the provinces of Ruyigi, Makamba, Muyinga and Rutana. A total of 467 migrants, without homes to return to, are still hosted in transit centres across Burundi.

IOM’s current activities include registration and information management, onward return transport assistance, rehabilitation and management of transit centres, distribution of non-food relief items, provision of emergency shelter, and protection monitoring in collaboration with the International Rescue Committee.

In Uganda, no new arrivals have been recorded and expelled migrants who have no home to return to continue to be hosted at the Sango Bay transit centre. There are currently 4,669 expelled migrants in Sango Bay.

With funding from UNOCHA, IOM in coordination with the Government of Uganda, has been able improve health conditions in the camp through the provision of primary health care and improved access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services.

IOM has also partially improved access to safe drinking water and provided temporary communal bathing shelters and hand washing facilities. Among the 3,575 migrants assisted, 42 per cent were children under five; 2,721 migrants were treated at IOM’s mobile outpatient clinic, with 50 per cent of patients treated for confirmed or clinical malaria.

The Ugandan government is working on modalities of reintegrating the expelled migrants and the Cabinet has already prepared a paper on the return/resettlement of the returnees within the country. IOM is seeking to provide technical support for the reintegration effort and the government has requested IOM to conduct an intentions survey within the migrant population in order to plan a durable solutions policy.

IOM Improves Food Security for Displaced in Borama, Somaliland

GENEVA, Switzerland, February 11, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — IOM has opened a four-day refresher training course in business management and entrepreneurship in Borama, Somaliland. The training will benefit 30 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Borama who are taking part in an IOM micro-finance grants project.

The objective of the training is to review and supplement previously implemented business management training that was conducted by IOM and its implementing partner Somaliland Y-Peer over a period of four months. The 30 beneficiaries received this training prior to receiving micro-finance grants of USD 550 dollars each from IOM in November 2013.

With this grant, beneficiaries established a variety of small businesses, including grocery stores, animal trading businesses and bakeries. The aim of the micro-finance project was to improve the financial conditions of IDP households, leading to improved food security; and to lessen the burden of economic hardships that are the major drivers of economic migration.

The training will provide a platform for the beneficiaries to exchange their experiences and lessons they have learnt from the field. One-to-one sessions were also held with the beneficiaries to learn from their progress and to provide tailored advice and recommendations to cope with challenges and problems.

Ruun from Sheikh Osman IDP camp is one of 30 beneficiaries in Borama who received the business grant and participated in the refresher training. “My husband is mentally ill and my son is unemployed. I have two daughters and one of them is in the university. I used to worry a lot before. I could not pay the food bills and it was hard for me to pay the fees. Now, things are a lot easier. With the money I received from IOM, my business is thriving. I have greater hope now,” said Ruun, who opened a small shop and can provide food now to her family.

IOM’s livelihood projects in Somalia are funded by the Japanese government.