“A turning point in the fight against slavery in Mauritania” – UN expert greets adoption of road map

GENEVA, Switzerland, March 10, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The United Nations Special Rapporteur on slavery, Ms. Gulnara Shahinian, hailed as “an essential step forward in the fight against slavery” the formal adoption by the Mauritanian Government of the road map prepared in cooperation with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

“I see the 6th of March 2014, as a turning point in the fight against slavery in Mauritania,” Ms. Shahinian said. “The formal adoption of the road map for the implementation of my 2010 recommendations* is not only symbolic, but marks a new phase in Mauritania’s efforts to eradicate slavery and its remnants once and for all.”

“I trust that the Government will deploy all necessary efforts to fully implement the road map, in close cooperation with civil society, so that its commitment results in concrete changes in practice,” the human rights expert noted.

The official announcement comes just a week after the Special Rapporteur’s follow-up visit to the country to discuss the formal adoption of the road map and assess new developments and initiatives taken by the Mauritanian authorities in response to her previous recommendations.

Ms. Shahinian will present the findings and recommendations of her follow-up visit at a forthcoming session of the UN Human Rights Council in September 2014.

(*) The ‘Road Map for the implementation of the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences in the context of the eradication of slavery practices in Mauritania” is based on Ms. Shahinian’s 2010 report to the UN Human Rights Council: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Slavery/SRSlavery/Pages/CountryVisits.aspx

Central African Republic: ICRC staff member killed

GENEVA, Switzerland, March 10, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is profoundly shocked by the killing today of one of its staff members in northern Central African Republic.

The killing occurred in connection with violence in Ndele. Armed men entered the Catholic mission there, where four ICRC staff were quartered, and killed one of them. The other three are safe.

“We are outraged by this killing,” said Georgios Georgantas, head of the ICRC delegation in the country. “It is utterly unacceptable. We urgently call on all those bearing arms to respect and spare people working for the ICRC or for the broader International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and indeed all those who carry out humanitarian work.

The ICRC also appeals to all parties to the conflict to comply with the rules of international humanitarian law so that those striving to help the civilian population can do their life-saving work.

This killing comes at a time when the security situation in the Central African Republic is worsening. The widespread violence and rampant crime accompanying it are exacerbating the already disastrous situation in which hundreds of thousands of the country’s citizens are living.

UNAMID disturbed over increased violence, mass displacement in Darfur

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, March 10, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) is deeply concerned over an outbreak of inter-communal violence in Saraf Omra, North Darfur, which has led to a …

U.S. Concern About Escalation of Violence and Insecurity in Darfur

WASHINGTON, March 10, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement
Jen Psaki
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
March 8, 2014

We are deeply concerned by the recent escalation of violence by the Sudanese Government-supported Rapid Sup…


NEW YORK, March 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The following statement was issued today by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General welcomes the verdict issued by the International Criminal Court agai…

UN Envoy to Somalia urges greater role for women in state-building

MOGADISHU, Somalia, March 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, Nicholas Kay, joins the Somali people in celebrating International Women’s Day, and urges the Federal Government to broaden opportunities for women to contribute to the country’s peace-building and state-building processes.

“Over the past two extremely difficult decades, Somali women have demonstrated great resilience and an immense capacity to contribute to reconciliation and respond to humanitarian needs at the community, regional and national level,” SRSG Kay said. “Despite their significant role in efforts to reconstruct Somalia, women continue to struggle to have their voices heard, and their participation in politics remains limited.”

“Women are also the primary victims of sexual and gender-based violence, while literacy rates and school enrollment are substantially lower in the female population,” he added.

“Somali women are a vital part of the political and reconciliation process in the country and should fully contribute to it at all levels. Commitments on women’s participation and representation need to be turned into actions” SRSG Kay said.

He further stressed the need for concrete actions on the protection of women and girls, the provision of a safe environment and access to justice without fear.

“I urge the Government and relevant partners to expedite the implementation of the Joint Communiqué of the Federal Republic of Somalia and the United Nations on the Prevention of Sexual Violence,” SRSG Kay said. “The UN in Somalia stands ready to work hand in hand with the Government to improve the lives of the country’s women and girls.”

UNSOM is mandated to help build the Federal Government’s capacity to promote respect for human rights and women’s empowerment.

The Verdict in the Germain Katanga Trial at the International Criminal Court

WASHINGTON, March 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement

Jen Psaki

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

March 7, 2014

Today, the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) convicted Germain Katanga, the commander of the Force de Résistance Patriotique en Ituri (FRPI) militia, for his responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity during a brutal February 2003 attack on Bogoro village in the Ituri Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Past impunity for perpetrators in the DRC has fueled a destabilizing cycle of conflict and human rights abuses, and those who are responsible for atrocities in the DRC must be held to account. In that regard, the ICC’s DRC cases represent a significant step toward delivering justice for victims in the DRC. The United States reiterates its call for the apprehension of Sylvestre Mudacumura, another leader of an abusive rebel militia in the DRC who is subject to an arrest warrant by the ICC for war crimes. The Department of State continues to offer a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to his arrest.

Strong and effective national courts also have a vital role to play in ending impunity in DRC. We continue to support the Congolese government’s efforts to hold perpetrators accountable through its domestic institutions, including through the creation of the proposed mixed chambers.

Minister Yelich Concludes Canada’s Participation in Ministerial Meeting on Libya

OTTAWA, Canada, March 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Honourable Lynne Yelich, Minister of State (Foreign Affairs and Consular), today issued the following statement at the conclusion of her visit to Rome, where she attended the Rome Ministerial Conference on Libya, convened to reconfirm international support for that country’s democratic transition:

“Canada is proud to join with the international community in support of Libya’s transition process. Since 2011, Canada has been active in the security and development process and remains committed to supporting the democratic reform effort.

“Libya must now work to promote security while securing political consensus for the transition and for the modernization of its economy.

“Transitional justice is an important element of the process. In this regard, Canada commends the Government of Libya’s recent decree to recognize and compensate victims of sexual violence perpetrated during and following the revolution. We hope that this decree is swiftly entered into law and implemented.

“Sexual violence is a vicious attack on human dignity. It has a debilitating effect on the victims, their families and their communities, and undermines Libya’s transition to democracy and security. Canada is actively supporting efforts to strengthen local leadership to defend women’s rights and combat sexual violence in Libya.

“Canada stands by the Libyan people as they strive toward a future founded on freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.”

Statement by NSC Spokesperson Caitlin Hayden on National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice’s Travel to the United Arab Emirates and Djibouti

WASHINGTON, March 7, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice is traveling to the United Arab Emirates and Djibouti from March 6-8. In the United Arab Emirates she is meeting with senior Emirati officials incl…

AU Commission Chairperson meets Darfur armed movements’ leaders

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, March 7, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — “We have only one option: to work for a peaceful, unified, diverse Sudan with a common identity”- Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma

The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, on Friday 7 March 2014,met with a delegation of the Darfur armed movements led by Mr. Minni Arko Minawi and Dr. Gibril Ibrahim Mohamed, Chairmen of the Sudan Liberation Army (SLM/Minni Minawi) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), respectively. The Darfur armed movements’ leaders were accompanied by UNAMID Joint Special Representative, Dr Mohamed Chambas.

The two armed movements’ leaders – now part of the leadership of a political and military coalition under the name of Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), affirmed their commitment for peace, a united Sudan with a national identity that reflects its cultural and religious diversity, and the need for a national dialogue to address holistically the problems facing the country. They urged the African Union to become fully engaged in the political process and assist the Sudanese parties realize these goals.

The Chairperson welcomed the commitment of the armed movements’ leaders to peace, the unity of their country, a comprehensive and negotiated solution to Sudan’s issues, and the holding of national dialogue. Reflecting on the experience of the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa, she advised that “there will always be problems of mistrust, skepticism and doubts when people have been at war for decades”.

The Chairperson also welcomed the political determination expressed by the leaders of the armed movements and stressed the need to harness it. She encouraged them to continue to work with UNAMID and other stakeholders to formulate a strategy on how to conduct the national dialogue.

Dr. Dlamini Zuma reaffirmed the commitment of the AU, through the joint efforts of UNAMID and the AU High Level Panel on Sudan, to continue to assist all the Sudanese parties in the search for lasting peace and economic development in Sudan. “The more we can assist Sudan to be united, diverse, with a common national identity, the better for all of us”, she said.